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2023-05-30 07:00:06




The Russian writer turgenev once walking in the street I met a beggar, the man came to him begging.

Turgenev touched the pocket, unfortunately, he forgot to bring money and empty pockets. He said to the man with regret: "brothers, I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry, my wallet at home, what also don't have to eat."

The man took his hand suddenly bother to say: "thank you, thank you!"

Turgenev ashamed is also very confused. The man then said to him: "I was going to get a little to eat and then go to commit suicide, I didn't think you should call me 'brother', which made me very touched, you gave me the courage to live!"






Grass is a harbinger of the messenger, grass is never-say-die ordinary heroes, it let me understand the meaning of life is courage.

Remember once, I in the flower bed next to see flowers in the park, suddenly I noticed that the stone the grass below, I would like to: such a big stone, the grass can emerge? When I come home I have been thinking about. The next day, I found that the grass, the grass can break through certainly, that is the courage, how is narrow small, certainly it shoots to the ground, it is an irresistible force, stop it from strong growth. It does not have the smell of flowers, no tall tree, it's just the strong to efforts, it does not need fertile land, no fertilizer; No matter how small gap, as long as there is a little water and mud it can grow.

Grass need courage, the courage to let it grow, let it can grow.

Like strong the pupils in the sichuan earthquake, a small classmate with a 9 years old, he said: "I am the monitor of the class, should be responsible for the students." So, when the earthquake came, he didn't choose to escape, but brave rescued two classmates rushed into the building. The soft hand, unexpectedly burst out in a crisis such great courage and strength, carrying a shoulder injury sister, grandma a pair of delicate hand, no matter the front is difficult or dangerous, they have the courage to challenge, this is the spirit of the grass. A child is going to face the bright future, but by an earthquake in the following, but they did not despair, but the burst certainly like grass, and to face the future. They have the grass as courage.

Grass is unknown, but grass with stunning courage, what is the meaning of life - is courage.









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