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2023-06-01 02:09:10




Celebrating New Year's day today, our school held a "broadcast gymnastics, tug of war".

To the game, we practice broadcast gymnastics class bring physical education and sports activity! In the beginning, we practice is held in the classroom, I do it very carefully, but is a table behind me, always getting in the way to do it, not's leg is green hand is swollen.

Later, the teacher took us to practice on the playground, this is much more spacious, doing exercise won't hit the table, we do it more carefully. And have a strong desire to get the first prize of the game, win honor for our class.

Finally, to our game, we wear uniform yellow uniforms row tidy team against the sun, like rows of sunflower vigorous strut stood in the playground, glittering sunshine in our body, very bright. We are one of a kind.

Began to do exercises, we according to the requirements of the original practice: kick right angles to the ground, smooth lift arm and shoulder, lift on lateral arm away from the ears empty fist, every action follow the beat, not before, not backswing. Finally finishing moves, made with hands and feet, to be afraid of my action is a bit slow, I'm so nervous, and they were afraid to pull the back of the class, I catch the last beat, ended the broadcast gymnastics competition in our class. Then we like the people's liberation army uncle aunt at a steady pace back in her field, perfect complete the competition.

What follows is a tug of war I as members of the team and the players together for our victory!

In the evening, the teacher sent SMS, the broadcast exercises and tug of war of our class is the first.

We won!










Today is the annual New Year's day festival, most people's home is beaming, someone will play firecrackers in the home, said: "Happynwyar!" But our family of cigar smoke, because our house in decorating. Neither eat dinner, nor to set off firecrackers. But, for me, this New Year's day is happy.

In the morning, when I watch TV at home, reading, at noon, I ate beef. Beef packaging although not good-looking, but, it is with good ingredients cooked, delicious food.

In the afternoon, I go to Yang Ming play in the park, and bought two bottles of snow, a bottle of spray snow, I take them around a spray, found that the snow can disappear after dry, dry and spray snow will not disappear. I use spray snow on underground road wrote "happiness", on the plant to spray snow, make the plants were covered with snow.

Come on yang-ming park rockery, I sprayed blowing around, let the earth seems to be of snow. Finally, I left a bottle of spray snow, so I deliberately trick: spray on the ground "happy" 2 words, suddenly, there was a man let out a cry: "children don't naughty!" Take me away.

Later, spray paint all gone, I'll take a carry a pen and a knife, my pen on the bamboo first wrote: "happy." Then took out a knife engraved on the ground: "."

In the evening, I watched cartoons, wonderful. Desk calendar and turn to the last page, 20 xx years has become history, I grew up, I must work harder.










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