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2023-06-02 03:18:07




I’m writing to you to express my concerns about the using of mobile phones in high school.

Nowadays, mobile phones are widely used; even some high school students have one, thinking it cool and convenient for communication. Some others, however, don’t think it a must to have a mobile phone. According to them, they have so much to do at school and frequent communication with the outside world may distract their attention from lessons. They also complain they are disturbed when phones ring in classrooms.

Personally, I’m strongly against students’ using of mobile phones in schools. We know it takes joint efforts to create a quiet and ideal atmosphere for studies. Mobile phones, obviously a trouble maker, shall be prohibited in schools, especially in classrooms.





Most of the students think that it is reasonable for them to bring cell phones with them to school. On the one hand, they can contact their parents anytime, especially where dealing with an emergency and in great need of the adults. On the other hand, it is a fashion to be equipped with a cell phone. Without it, one may be out of date and, in the views of his friends, can not understand the pleasure of using the cell phone, and, therefore, will not be regarded as one of their members.

However, teachers are worrying about whether students can use cell phones in a proper way. In their opinion, middle school students are too small to prevent themselves from misusing cell phone. For example, students tend to waste lots of time to play cell phone games and sending messages, particularly in class. Moreover, it is likely for students to keep up with the Joneses, sometimes resulting in an additionally expenditure for a family, especially a poor family. If students really need to make phone calls, there are many telephone booths available on campus, and they may also use the phones in teachers’ offices.

As far as I am concerned, it is reasonable for middle school students to follow the fashion. After all, cell phones may bring lot of convenience. Yet since the major task of students is study, it is advisable that they should focus on the teachers and textbooks in class and anyone using his or her cell phones in class should be punished.







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