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2023-06-02 05:40:10




I keep a cute little white rabbit. His name is beibei.

Its fur is soft like a cloud of white satin, thin, dense, like wearing a white fur jacket, in the bright sun, like a pile of glittering white cotton, beautiful! It round the tail of the hide in the villi, don't look carefully, is not easy to find. Its head is small, two long ears, like two big fan in the head, with a little action, it will constantly swaying back and forth on the ear. Its eyes especially pretty, small glass ball, red light flash, like a Mosaic in the white jade ruby. It also has an attractive three petal mouths, the above two, the following a disc. Two mouth with front door tooth, bite a thing to be much; Both sides of the mouth and a few thin beard, it always put the two long ears stand straight, appear very proud.

Its front legs short, long, powerful hind legs, often curved, to leap to jump start road, squatting motionless on the ground, like cotton candy, and like a snowball. I gave the little white rabbit home, put in the small white rabbit, jump it left and right, as if than eating the honey still sweet. The small white rabbit favorite cabbage, radish, whenever I throw them the grass, it is always happy to dance, greedily ate, also issued a "tut, tut, tut" sound, as if to say to me: "thank you, the grass is so sweet!" After eating grass, they alacrity to lie down, peacefully closed his eyes.

I love you, the small white rabbit, you are so lively and cute! You give my childhood brings endless happiness and daydream!










Today, my grandfather bought me two lively and lovely little rabbit. One male, one female. I was very happy. After I put them back to the home, in the original chicken of big iron cage. They jumped in the cage, seem to is very satisfied with this house.

See here, I thought: they are hungry, I went to get some food for them. I immediately action, and two carrots, dug from the ground and pulled out a few green vegetables, threw it into the cage. The little rabbits fast reaction, a turned and started to eat. And very fast to eat, while, carrots were them out. Then eat green vegetables. To observe when I took advantage of their meals.

The male rabbit, all white, no noise, two eyes fiery red, like two little ball of fire. Two ears long slender, like two radar pictures, very lovely. That female rabbit, also like the male rabbit, whole body white, only the mouth there is gray, three petal mouths move move, very lovely. I go to see them every day after school, a see be half a day, sometimes even forget to eat. Unfortunately, the female rabbit pour with rain, illness is dead, I'm sorry for several days. We bury it in a corner of the yard, the rest of the male rabbit, now live not eating sorrow drink, comfortable and happy days.

I like the two little rabbits, although unfortunately died a, but I think: everything has a good side and bad side, we want to look on the bright side to think more, don't give yourself more trouble.




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