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stressful life for kids英语作文

2023-06-07 03:07:02

stressful life for kids英语作文2016

导语: 心累,不愿前行,情殇,无爱可寻。无法拯救失落的灵魂,你是我最近的人,却给我最深远的伤。无论我多么想象她的完美,但终究变成最受伤的时段。下面是小编为是大家整理的,英语作文,希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!

stressful life for kids英语作文【篇一】

I can‘t stand the pressure and competition," explained one friend of mine when asked why he decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position in his company recently. My friend may have his own reasons, but I don‘t think his decision is wise in reality.

It is true that my friend‘s case is not unique. In the last few years quite a number of men and women have chosen to do something less competitive at the cost of a comfortable, easy life a highly-paid job can obtain. They are afraid that the stresses and strains of work will rob them of joy and happiness and do them harm both physically and mentally. In fact, however, stress isn‘t the bad thing it is often supposed to be. Unless it gets out of control, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and challenge, and to give purpose and significance to an otherwise meaningless, idle life. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential and to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life.

Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. What we can do is to develop our adaptive abilities to deal with it rather than to escape from it.




stressful life for kids英语作文【篇二】

A person who is stressed typically has anxious thoughts and difficulty concentrating or remembering. Stress can also change outward behaviors.

Disease(生病): Physicians increasingly acknowledge that stress is a contributing factor in a wide variety of health problems. These problems include cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and coronary heart disease (coronary atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the heart’s arteries). Stress also appears to be a risk factor in cancer, chronic pain problems, and many other health disorders.

There is substantial evidence that stress suppresses the activity of the immune system, leaving an organism more susceptible to infectious diseases.




【stressful life for kids英语作文2016】



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