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2023-06-08 05:40:14




Life is like a journey, don't need to care about the destination, care about the scenery along the way and the mood of scenery.

Landscape hiding in the corner of the, some striking, also some hard to find. Similarly, some scenery, very memorable, worth collecting, There are also some scenery, let a person very uncomfortable, and we should put them in a trash can for rejection.

The most beautiful scenery, not necessarily hide in the corner of the most striking; One of the most bad views, not necessarily lurking in the least conspicuous corner.

Pedestrian street, busy busy, bustling, but there's a rift of banana peel wandering on the blind. View a hand suddenly appeared, will be the "intruder" sent to the trash can. After a while, there is a blind man walking down the blind road staggered...

Calm cafe, a guest was interested in was to turn over a magazine, knowing coffee existing part from the arms of the table, the danger of falling at any moment. Suddenly, another hand into my line of sight, to gently on the desktop, soon, two people each other a smile...

Noisy road, traffic, an old man looked at the comings and goings of stay at the zebra crossing vehicles at a loss. Is still a big hands, holding the old man's arm, embarked on a zebra crossing, the traffic to stop at the zebra crossing. Two people on the sidewalk, continued their journey...

Glory in front of the museum, a sign on the lawn. At this moment, is not only a large hands, but many large hands, and they help it to stand up. Soon after, a group of tourists because it, just have to roam in the oceans has entered the knowledge...

The unforgettable scenery are right in your side, almost within reach, but it's in play hide and seek with you. As long as you are willing to do, no one can make the unforgettable scenery.

The scenery here alone good.











During the journey, we always meet some unexpected surprises. In fact, life is like a journey, a seemingly long.

Is a short journey. It make a miracle, a surprise. Suantiankula all things, as long as we become conscious, it would be wonderful wonderful encounter.

Life will be our life the most beautiful, the most abundant travel. The train took us through ups and downs of life, as long as we have experienced, the other side of the train is bound to appear the rainbow sunlight. From when we were born to this world, this is the beginning of the journey. This a journey is not always at ease, we always climbing past large and small, low mountain. Sometimes encounter "harder", crawling on steep slopes, sometimes looked up, several boulders tumbling down the hill. And at this time, we can't panic, it is necessary to figure out ways to avoid those will calmly heavy stones gadites breath. The journey is always can't get something for nothing, want to win, we must pay a price. When we climb the peak, even if the body exhausted, we will be pleased, because the mountain is the beautiful scenery and we experienced difficulties in sweat.

When we were looking down the hill again, those who give up the scenery and tamed by stones in the person, whether or not we feel is lucky? !

The journey, of course, also can have relaxed moments. After we experienced wind and rain, sunshine is in front of us. Then we can enjoy it. Some opportunity in life journey is like a flash of wonderful, we should not repeatedly, but put it firmly closed. Even if the result not satisfied, we are tried, after all have, so also complaint or regret. Some fate in life like the scenery journey encountered, should go to pursue this fate. Love is not waiting for us, don't wait to leave, it only to regret when we foolishly.









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