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the internet英语作文「附中文」

2023-06-09 04:26:03

2017the internet英语作文「附中文」


the internet英语作文【篇一】

Almost every minute in the world there are people in the use of the Internet, we almost can not do without the Internet, the Internet brought us a lot of joy and happy sad pain. I am no exception, the following is my Internet with a happy thing.

In grade five days, I love to play sogou motorcycle, I love for motorcycle also infected with brother, brother also bought some units. Because the sogou motorcycle can do tricks, so we all like to play, it is a pity no runway. So I will go to the store looked, is very expensive. Was feeling a little hope, he thought of can use the Internet, came back home on the Internet to find taobao mall, would like to take a look at the runway for, indeed as expected find sogou motorcycle runway, I was with the feelings of excitement and worry to find mother, mother came to look at the price a little expensive, mother told me to find father. Father said buy it. , "said father agreed to buy back to good good study, learning is very important to you now, after you grow up you will know." I'm excited agreed. Mail come over excited when I open the package, I spent a night time spell track well, try the new track after I very happy.

In fact this is attributed to the Internet, without the Internet I also can't buy many yuan cheaper than shop outside of the track, I wouldn't be so happy without the Internet.

So say that the Internet has brought a lot of convenience to our life, but also can't always rely on the Internet, if it is too rely on the Internet instead, he won't let you happy, will only make you angry, the Internet is a emotional transmission machine.





the internet英语作文【篇二】

The Internet is high-tech product, is the historical development, social progress, the crystallization of human wisdom; Is the largest capacity and content of mankind have the face, the fastest message center. Every day, four hundred million people worldwide use the Internet, Internet users account for 6% of the world's population. The Internet as we know current affairs, learning knowledge, to communicate with people, entertainment and so on provides convenient conditions.

The Internet has just appeared in China, a naughty student teacher often remind: less on some web, read some books. An outing, the teacher see the students' magic network chat with classmates, in the past. The student say: "teacher, you have so many education teaching experience, if establish a personal website, you can call the colleagues of interested in education all over the world, often play to discuss with you, you will have more understanding friend and friend, you can make your own education ideas spread. If Confucius in modern life, and will use the Internet, his disciple is more than three thousand." Teachers in the inspiration of the students and help, established the first teacher's personal network in this region, subject to declare his found all over the country through the network news fast experiment schools and teachers. Today, the teacher's teaching and scientific research has been inseparable from the network. More to the excitement, he used the network realizes his dream of speaking tour across the country, in promoting Chinese teaching experience.

The early Internet story brings us enlightenment that the network can make the students to become a teacher; Network can make obscure the famous; The network can make like-minded friends; Network can make you get the most knowledge, change the previous way of traditional learning.

The Internet at the same time, to improve the quality of human social activities may cause harm to the part of the Internet users. We should correctly understand the network of the two sides, in the short, and his element working on the place play network positive promoting effect on life. The network as a supplement of life, can enjoy the many benefits of the network.





【2017the internet英语作文「附中文」】



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