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2023-06-10 07:34:06




A Day in My Summer Vacation

Last summer I spent a two-week vacation at my aunt’s. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village.

One morning I went fishing in the river, where two women were doing some washing. I found a most favorable point, cast out my line and waited anxiously for a bite. Suddenly there came a cry: ”Help! Help!” I looked in the direction of the call and saw a boy in the river. What a nice surprise! There was a big fish on the hook.

I began to like her almost at once.

ain, she read them in a little by little, I felt there was something really different rules or to copy the words. You understand?” She spoke English exactly and perfectly and also asked us to follow her. We turned every text into a play and learned from it in acting. Our classroom was always filled with laughter and noise. “Come on, boys and girls! Louder and more!” She often encouraged us like this. She gave us the best gift – confidence. Each time you volunteered to say something, she would be the first one that cheered for you , even you had made a lot of mistakes. She had such a gentle way of correcting your mistakes that you would be glad to accept her advice and even criticism. It was she who led me into the world of English. It was she who helped me feel the beauty of the language.

She was not only a teacher of English but also a teacher of life. She let us have something of our own, which made our class the most special one in our school. Every one could choose his own

way of life, of study and of love. We often exchanged our ideas with her in our diaries. When we had trouble, she would be the first person we turned to for help. She was more like a friend than a teacher. Therefore, of all the teachers I will never forget my English teacher in my life.


Harmfulness of Video Games

Nowadays, time and again, students are prohibited from playing video games, but almost in vain. As a matter of fact, many teenagers are still seen indulging in the exciting games, especially during the vacations. However, this problem has caught the national wide attention.

affect students’ eyesight and their health. Actually some students can’t temptation of playing video games, therefore, they cut their lunch and pour all their money on video dly in health. Besides, for money to play the games can drive them to theft or any other kinds of crimes or tragedies.

video On Overseas Study

Some of going abroad for further study. They believe that there are many facilities, teaching equipment, would famous professors and good example, you don’t have to worry about the tuition fee or living expenses and there is no language or cultural barrier.

As to me, I think both of the above opinions are partially convincing. Everything depends on your own situation. If fate smile upon you and you can afford all the tuition and fees to study abroad, you should seize the opportunity and achieve more. Otherwise, you can be equally successful at home by diligence. To sum up, what counts is not where one studies, but how much he achieves after his studies.

On Reading

It’s generally believed that reading is an important part of our life. To begin with, it undoubtedly enriches our life. When we feel lonesome, we can pick up a book and enjoy what we read. By reading, we may feel we lead different kinds of lives, and talk to people of different periods in history. Besides, by reading, we may also feel someone is giving us some good advice on life and work. Therefore, reading is really indispensable to our life.

To be good readers, we should take at least three factors into account. First, one should read extensively. No doubt, the more books one reads, the more one is inclined to read. Besides, a good what he reads, for reading without reflecting is like eating without digestion.

good reader is one who not only reads actively and also reads with full understanding.

Second, they provide us with a chance about the society and enrich our social graduate.

Employment Patterns of Graduates

The two pie charts show the proportion of male and female graduates in the employment in two broad categories. One is educational, the other is professional.

In the educational field, the biggest difference between the two sexes is in the employment of primary and high schools, where males make up only 7% while females constitute nearly 32%. On the contrary, in colleges and universities, the percentage of male graduates working as teachers is more than twice the percentage of female graduates. The ratio is 12 % to 5 %.

In the professional filed, while there is not a great deal of difference between the percentage of women graduates and men graduates working in law offices, hospitals, financial institutes and

public section ( the former is 59 % and the latter is 65 %), there are more male graduates holding the managerial positions, reaching 16 %, compared with 4 % of women graduates.

Sales of A College Bookstore

The table shows the sales figures of novels, books of philosophy and science, foreign languages and computer science in a college bookshop for March 20000.

Obviously books of foreign languages and computer science are the most popular among different readers. The total number of foreign languages books sold for the month reached 882 ( 482 to college students, 68 to staff, and 332 to the public) And the number of computer science was 828. Of this figure , college students bought 324, staff 216 and the public 288.

Except those best sellers, however, different readers also have their taste According to the bar chart, students from Korea, European countries and African Second only to Korean students is Japanese who constitute 17 (with 7 males and 10 both have 9 enrolled students.

Chinese is most popular students. Except in the case of African students, the As for Medicine, it gains more popularity in African students than in students from The former all take the course while only 32 percent of the latter 热门话题


Sandstorms are getting more and more serious in some regions in the northern parts of Chins, especially in spring. As the dust blacks out the sky, covering cities, the storms bring much inconvenience and trouble to people’s daily life and work, However, it arouses the concern of the whole nation.

Naturally, there are man factors that cause this abnormal climate. To begin with, the extension of the desert in Inner Mongolia should take the main blame for the storms. Besides, the continuous

high temperature and little ruin should also be heavily responsible or the high frequency of storms.

However, we shouldn’t only blame nature for the sandstorms, because, to some extent, human beings should bear partial responsibility for this phenomenon. There’s no denying that it’s our destruction of vegetation and protective forests that makes the north-wind kick up the loose soil so easily, and thus form the storms. However, as a coin has two sides, the storms well sound the ecological alarm and should be regarded as sand penalty to man. In a work, the haunt of the storms repeatedly warns us that it’s high time we made laws to protect our ecological environment, restored the vegetation and planted more protective forests and took whatever effective measures to stop the storms and restore our ecological environment.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT and information phones play a dominant role in townspeople’s life. But, like everything else, they favorable and unfavorable aspects.

goes and call the callee however far away he is. facilitates people’s life. Second, it’s convenient. Whenever one meets trouble urgent, one can make a call and doing whatever one can do via Internet.

However, just as everything has sell phone also has many disadvantages. To maople’s health.

an ever brighter development. Some day most of them will be developed into new phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its The Talent Flight in China

Nowadays, like many other countries in the world, China ia facing a serious problem o talent flight. A great number of elite have gone abroad for better treatment. However, as competition in the next century will heat up globally or “the best and the brightest”, it arouses fresh concern of the whole nation.

There are many reasons for the widespread of brain drain in China. Some felt ignored at home, especially when intellectuals were thrown down at the bottom of social ladder in the past. And they believe they couldn’t tap all their potential without going abroad. Others can’t resist the temptation of better conditions. They have gone abroad either for money or for their career. An still some

others have gone abroad for the sake of their children. As a result, hundreds of thousands of the elite have gone abroad, making great contribution to other developed countries. Moreover, a couple of Chinese-American or Chinese French Nobel Prize Winner have failed to win the honor for their motherland. What a pity!

However, China needs the talent to embrace the globalization of economy. Moreover, the development of economy and our nation greatly relies on the talent. Therefore, its urgent for the government to work out more favorable policies to stop the talent flight, protect our human resources, and, what’s more, to attract the talent bock. Only in this way can we stop the talent flight, and only this way can we revitalize our Chinese nation in the 21st century.

Develop Our Creative Mind

From primary school, to college, bound to the teacher-centered, exam-oriented they are always encouraged to obey teachers

form their own original ideas.

However, this passive educational pattern has problems and produced a lot of side effects. First, as students tend to follow the and dare not challenge what is puts out any sparks of inspiration in and render them to have no creativity at all.

But now, with the ization of economy, it’s advocated that we should with break-new-ground mind and proper skills will succeed in competing in the global job markets.

Harmfulness of Fake Commodities

For one thing, producers can profit a lot by making fake commodities because the cost of producing fake commodities is much lower. For another, businessmen can also profit a lot by selling fake commodities. Perhaps the rime reason is that our legal system is not sound and the punishment of illegal producers and businessmen is not severe.

Fake commodities cause many harms to society. Generally, the harms can be listed as follows. First, fake commodities damage the consumers’ interests. Besides, they also harm the credit of businesses because the shops which sell genuine commodities will also be distrusted by consumers. Worst of all, they will bring about potential dangers because using fake commodities of inferior quality will cause accidents and endanger consumers’ lives.



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