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2023-06-24 02:56:17




Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to be here. My topic today is: reuse, recycle, and reduce.

As we all know, with the development of our economy, We are using up our resources and at the same time our environment is badly polluted. As environmental protection volunteers, what shall we do? My answer is reuse “, recycle, and reduce .” All of us should keep these words in mind and take actions to protect our environment.

Wherever we are, at home , at school, we all can put it into practice. For example, when we use paper, we’d better use both sides of it instead of only one side. Day by day, we will reduce the amount of paper we need. That means we will protect many big trees from being cut down. What’s more, when we deal with rubbish, we should learn to separate it, because some of it can be recycled. In this way, we can save our resources and reduce pollution around us.

Above all, it is time for all of us to protect our environment. I believe as long as we try to reuse, recycle, and reduce things we need, we will make a better world for you and for me.

Thank you.


Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to be here. My topic today is : Animals Need Protecting.

Do you love animals? I do! They are not only natural resources but also our friends. People have been killing or using them all through our history. But we are sad to find many kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. And hundreds more have become endangered animals, such as tigers and pandas.

Actually, we should care about them, because we need animals, and once they are gone, there will never be any more. Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can cause some problems. For example, when farmers kill large numbers of snakes, the farmers' corn and grain will be destroyed by rats and mice. Why? because snakes feed on rats and mice. Less snakes, more rats

Luckily, more people are working hard to help save the animals. Some groups have been raising money to make people aware of the problem. Some governments have passed laws to protect animals in danger from being killed. Hopefully, the number of some animals in danger is growing.

We are not alone in the world. We human beings could not live without these animals around us. So, protecting animals is to protecting ourselves. We must take measures to protect them and live in harmony with them.

Thank you.


Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am happy to have a chance to be here. My topic today is: save water, save ourselves.

As we all know, water is very important to plants and animals as well as to our human beings. As the world population is growing rapidly day by day, more fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. Unfortunately, with the development of economy, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which results in the pollution of water and deaths of many birds and animals . What’s worse, a great amount of water is over-used in our daily life. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.

Fortunately, it isn't too late to correct our mistakes. Not only should we protect drinking-water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it. People are coming to realize the importance of water and try their best to improve the situation. Laws have been made to deal with water pollution. We do hope the river will be clean and the sky will be clear. We believe as long as we make every effort to deal with it, we will make a better world for you and for me.

Thank you.


Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to be here. My topic today is : Animals Need Protecting.

Do you love animals? I do! They are not only natural resources but also our friends. People have been killing or using them all through our history. But we are sad to find many kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. And hundreds more have become endangered animals, such as tigers and pandas.

Actually, we should care about them, because we need animals, and once they are gone, there will never be any more. Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can cause some problems. For example, when farmers kill large numbers of snakes, the farmers' corn and grain will be destroyed by rats and mice. Why? because snakes feed on rats and mice. Less snakes, more rats

Luckily, more people are working hard to help save the animals. Some groups have been raising money to make people aware of the problem. Some governments have passed laws to protect animals in danger from being killed. Hopefully, the number of some animals in danger is growing.

We are not alone in the world. We human beings could not live without these animals around us. So, protecting animals is to protecting ourselves. We must take measures to protect them and live in harmony with them.

Thank you.




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