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2023-06-24 05:58:01




Television has changed our life since it was invented. Now it has become one important part of modern life.

Nancy and Victor are twins. One day, they stayed at home. They started to argue about what programmes to watch. Nancy wanted to watch cartoons, but Victor wanted to watch sports programmes. Soon, they got angry with each other. Victor tried to throw the remote control onto the table, but it fell onto Nancy’s foot. Nancy shouted at Victor. Victor left home without saying a word.

In my opinion, it's silly of us to argue with others over small things. We should learn how to get along with each others.Also, it's important that we forgive others for their mistakes.


Twins in animal biology is a form of multiple birth in which the mother gives birth to two offspring from the same pregnancy,some of the same sex,others of the opposite.There are estimated to be appro...


Twin Sisters in Our ClassLi Bao and Li Bei are twin sisters in our class. They look very much alike. But they are different in character. The former is an introversive①girl; the latter extroversive②in doing things. In spite of this, they have many same points.The two are good at studies. They come, to school early every day. Before classes they read English or Chinese texts and often recite good articles or poems. In the classes they listen to the teachers attentively.When the teachers ask questions, they are always active in answering them. After school they carefully do their homework. If they are not clear of something they ask the teachers or classmates for help. They never let off any problems that they do not understand. So they always achieve excellent marks in examinations.They both like to help others. On the buses they offer their seats to the old. In the streets they support the blind across the roads. At home they help the parents with housework. In the school they like to do.




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