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2023-06-28 02:39:01




The inventions of Thomas Edison

Whenever you turn on a light, listen to recorded music, or watch a motion picture you are enjoying one of the discoveries of Thomas Alva Edison. In fact, it's difficult to go through a single day without using one of his many important discoveries. Having received 1093 patents in his lifetime, Edison helped us communicate better through his improvements to the telegraph and telephone. He brought music into our homes with his invention of the phonograph. He lit our houses with electricity by designing and building the first indoor electric lighting system.

Experience Edison's music as it was originally recorded before CDs!

Credited with the invention of the first phonograph, you will hear Edison's early recordings played on vintage "hand-cranked" cylinder and diamond disc model phonographs. Then try to guess the many different uses proposed by Edison for this remarkable invention.

Transmit messages in Morse Code via working telegraph keys.

Explore the period boarding room which depicts Edison's life in Louisville in 1866-67, and discover the significance of the telegraph.


每当你打开一盏灯,听音乐,或者看电影你喜欢托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生的发现之一。事实上, ' s很难通过一天不使用他的很多重要的发现之一。爱迪生在他有生之年收到1093项专利,帮助我们更好地交流通过改进电报和电话。他给我们的家庭带来了音乐留声机的发明。他点燃我们的房子与电力设计和构建第一个室内电气照明系统。

爱迪生经历 ' s音乐cd之前作为原始记录!

第一留声机的发明归功于,你会听到爱迪生 ' s早期录音播放的“手”圆筒留声机和钻石盘模型。然后试着猜出许多不同的使用提出的爱迪生这个了不起的发明。


描述了爱迪生的探索时期寄宿房间 ' s 1866 - 67年生活在路易斯维尔,发现《每日电讯报》的意义。


Zhou Enlai

Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an,Jiangsu,on March 5,1898.In 1917,he finished school in Nankai Middle School,and then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922,he joined the Chinese Communist Party.After that,he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.

He led the famous uprising①----Nanchang Uprising on August 1st,1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945,he worked in South China.

After the People's Republic of China was founded,he was elected Premier②of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himself,but only the Chinese people.

Premier Zhou died on January 8th,1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people's hearts.He was a great Marxist and communist.







Do you know Jay Chou?His Chinese name is Zhou Jielun.He is a famous singer.He also is a good actor.He is from Taiwan,China.He has a cool haircut.He has small eyes.He is good at music.Many young pepople like his songs.They are his fans.Some boys has the same haircue as him.They think they look very cool that way.I like listening to his songs very much.

I think the words of his songs are as beautiful as poems.






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