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2023-07-04 03:40:01




Summer vacation is coming. The weather becomes hotter and hotter. Swimming is one of the best sports for us to get cool. But swimming is also a dangerous sport. Here is some advice that can help you to be safe.

First student shouldn’t swim in somewhere too deep like rivers. Swimming pool is a good place. Second students can’t swim alone. If you want to swim you have to go with your parents or friends. Another important thing is that students should do some sports before swimming. Making your body hot can be safer. And you can’t swim for too long.

When you enjoy yourself in the water don’t forget to take good care of yourself.





Fellow students

Summer holiday is coming. And swimming safety becomes a big problem. I know swimming is a great way to keep fit and relax. However not every place is suitable for us to swim. And I’d like to give you some advice to keep off the danger. The most important thing you have to know is that you are not supposed to swim in a deep river. Also you can’t go swimming by yourself. You’d better go with your friends or your families. And before you swim you should get ready for it instead of jumping into the water in a hurry. What’s more you also have to look after your friends while you are swimming. Of course you mustn’t swim for too long so that you and your partner won’t feel tired. Besides if your swimming skill is not very good. You’d better not swim.

That’s all. Thanks.





Most people die in aquatic accidents such as boating and swimming because of drowning.

Most drowning results from three major factors —inability to swimeffects of relatively cold waterand alcohol.Most drowning occurs ten feet or less from safetyand roughly sixty percent of the time another person is both witnessing and in a position to rescue the victim.Unfortunatelyrescuers are not aware of the classic signs of drowning.These signs are head backmouth openestablishing an airway and arms doing an involuntaryabove the waterbreast stroke.Drowning occurs rapidly and soundlesslyaveraging twenty seconds in small children and up to a minute in adults.

To the uninitiated a drowning person's surface struggle may appear to be playingclowning or splashing accompanied by lack of requests for help.Simply observing and reacting to the signs of drowning by basicshore-based reaching or throwing rescues may cancel a needless tragedy.





Fellow students

I’m Li Ming now I’m going to talk about how to swim safely.

You know swimming is a sport that most of us like because it can help us keep in good health. But there are still some things we should care about. First of all it’s dangerous for us to swim in rivers alone. So we had better go with our parents or friends. Next before we get into the river we should make sure that we have got enough preparations. Then it’s dangerous to swim in a large circle. Swim in a small circle and you will get help quickly if you are in trouble and try to keep your swimming time a little shorter. Last but not the least don’t swim in a river if there is a sigh says “No Swimming” .

I hope all of us would do this sport in safe ways. That’s all.








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