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2023-07-07 05:27:13



Blair is my classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.


Hello! Everyone. I’ll introduce my best friend to you. Her name is Zhou Xun. Her English name is Zoe. I like her English name better. Zoe likes it, too.

Zoe is a lovely girl. She is not tall. She is very thin. She has a round face and two small eyes. Her hair is short. She often wears a pink dress, because pink is her favorite color. She always has a smiling face, so everyone likes her very much.

Zoe is a clever girl. She’s our monitor. She works hard at school everyday. She likes to ask and answer the questions. Her copybooks are clean and tidy. Her handwriting is very beautiful. She is good at English and math. She is a top student in our class.

Zoe is a versatile girl. She can play the piano. She can draw pictures. She can tango. She can swim. She can do everything very well.

Zoe has a big dog. Its name is Xiao Xiong. They are good friends. I like it, too.

Do you like my best friendwww.zuowenren.com, Zoe?

my best friend 我最好的朋友 Hello! Everyone. I’ll introduce my best friend to you. Her name is Zhou Xun. Her English name is Zoe. I like her English name better. Zoe likes it, too. 您好。每个人。我来介绍一下我最好的朋友。她的名字是周迅。她的英文名字叫佐伊。我更喜欢她的英文名字。佐伊也很喜欢它。Zoe is a lovely girl. She is not tall. She is very thin. She has a round face and two small eyes. Her hair is short. She often wears a pink dress, because pink is her favorite color. She always has a smiling face, so everyone likes her very much. 佐伊是一个可爱的女孩。她个子不高。她很瘦。她有一张圆圆的脸,一双小眼睛。她的头发是短的。她经常穿粉红色的衣服,因为粉红色是她最喜欢的颜色。她总是有一个微笑的脸,所以大家都很喜欢她。Zoe is a clever girl. She’s our monitor. She works hard at school everyday. She likes to ask and answer the questions. Her copybooks are clean and tidy. Her handwriting is very beautiful. She is good at English and math. She is a top student in our class. 佐伊是一个聪明的女孩。她是我们的班长。她工作努力,每天都上学。她喜欢问问题和回答问题。她的习字簿整洁。她的笔迹很漂亮。她擅长英语和数学。她是我们班最好的学生。Zoe is a versatile girl. She can play the piano. She can draw pictures. She can tango. She can swim. She can do everything very well. 佐伊是一个多才多艺的女孩。她会弹钢琴。她可以画画。她可以跳探戈。她会游泳。她做的好。Zoe has a big dog. Its name is Xiao Xiong. They are good friends. I like it, too. 佐伊养了一条大狗。它的名字是小熊。他们是好朋友。我喜欢它,太。Do you like my best friend, Zoe? 你喜欢我的最好的朋友,佐伊吗?




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