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2023-07-08 04:46:01




If you come to my hometown, I will entertain you warmly.

If you come in spring, I will show you the footsteps of spring. See, one swallow comes from the south. It was the spring girl singing and singing beautifully. I will also take you to see the scenery. See, the trees are bud, the gray ground is covered with green overcoat. That is the spring meaning of spring girl.

If you are summer, I want to take you to the woods, standing in the woods, under the sunshine pieces of spots, listen to all kinds of songs, the air singing birds sing the song, singing cicadas sing the song, trunk cricket singing the song on the ground.

If you come in the fall, you're stuffed. Autumn, the aroma of the fruit, makes your mouth water. Don't worry, I'll invite you to eat pears, apples and corn.

If you come in winter, I will be very happy with you, because we can play snow together, like making a snowman and playing a snowball fight. We will be very happy.

If you visit my hometown, you will be very happy no matter what season.








There is a river in my hometown. I am here again today.

In spring, I went to a river in my hometown. The river was crystal clear, like a beautiful mirror, our shadow reflected on the river. For a moment, the sound of rumbling in the distance seemed to shake the earth. Suddenly, there was a birdsong in the sky and I looked at the sky. The bird was greeting us. Shout! A gust of wind swept the surrounding green trees. The grass was dancing beautifully, and the flowers were wagging, as if they were directing the green trees. The grass dances!

In the summer, the sun warmed the ground, and the coconut tree was like a soldier guarding the sea. The stones are strange. Colorful. The ripples on the river were followed by one, like a small fish swimming.

In the autumn, the leaves slowly fell off. I picked up the shells on the river and listened to the sound of the sea. The big rocks next to them are still magnificent. Magnificent, I continued to observe the landscape by the great stone.

In the winter the tree leaves no leaves, leaving only one branch. The little fish have been frozen to death. Some of them are still moving and they are strong. Some people came here for a walk and a gust of wind blew through my face as if it were helping my fan!

What a beautiful home!










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