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my favorite sport英语作文带翻译

2023-07-11 04:25:14

my favorite sport英语作文带翻译


【篇一:my favorite sport英语作文】

My favorite sport is ping-pong. Among the athletes I admire most are: "wang hao, zhang jike, Malone.

This summer, my father couldn't stand my froth, and finally took me to play table tennis. I was happy about three feet high. I asked this question all the way. Once in a while, we reached the table tennis court. My eyes are wide open, some people are fighting, others are playing doubles.

I can't wait to take the racket, let dad taught me, he taught me to take the racket first, then let me practice with him, he put the ball to me, I can not pick up, one, two, three... Thirty-six I couldn't catch it. Dad says you give up. I didn't accept it, so I practiced and finally managed to get through this hard bone.

Learning how to slow down, I can't wait to get my dad to teach me how to play fast. Dad said yes. My father sent the ball to me fast, and it hit me straight in the face and turned red. I endured the pain of my face and continued to study fast. Finally, there is nothing to do. I learned to play fast and beat my dad!

Of course, in the course of learning, I also experience sadness, happiness, victory, failure. I have also learned from failure to succeed because "failure is the mother of success." And I conclude from my failure: "nothing is difficult in the world, only a willing heart."

The project brought me joy and the meaning of failure.







【篇二:my favorite sport英语作文】

I love sports, running, jumping rope, jumping, swimming and so on. My favorite is not running. It's my childhood dream when I'm a good runner.

Speaking of running, it is an indispensable part of my life. Every morning, I wake up early and run for an hour. Running in the park, the birds are singing sweet songs on their branches, the breeze is blowing from their faces, and the scent of flowers is so sweet. After the morning run, I was so full of energy that I was able to learn all day. After dinner, I went to the town square with my parents. I always like to race with my dad. At first I was always left behind by my father. But as the days passed, my speed began to rise, and my father and dad went up and down. After every run, I slept very well and often dreamed that I was running normally.

In order to practice, I also specially took part in the two phases of basketball training, because in the basketball training, run, run back and forth, three-step layup requires solid skills of running. Besides, I went hiking with my family and practiced my legs. Although the training is very hard, it is worthwhile to look at your own progress and make the most of it

I will always strive to keep striving for my dreams and never give up.





【my favorite sport英语作文带翻译】



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