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2023-07-13 07:20:05




There is an old saying in China "will not the strong wisdom, not keeping one's word letter mandatory self-censorship", meaning that: has not been strong person must reach high levels of learning, do not speak word of one who is, won't have a good end. It is a fine tradition of our Chinese nation to talk about credit.

In ancient times there is such a story, one day zengzi and his wife go out to buy things, son must follow to go out, his wife, helpless, have to say: "kill pig to eat until we come back to you." When they came back, zeng was busy trying to kill the pig, and his wife stopped saying, "I only made fun of my son." Zeng zi said, "we adults should be role models for our children, and we should say what we say." Then he continued to kill the pig. A man who has faith in words is more than a man.

One day, a little boy in shabby clothes came up to a gentleman and said carefully, "Sir, do you sell matches?" "No, thank you! "Said the gentleman. "But I am so hungry." "Said the little boy in an aggrieved way. "But I don't have any change," he said. The little boy hurriedly say: "I go to help you change." The man waited in place for a long time, but he didn't see the little boy come back, but he went home. The next day, another little boy found Mr Home and said to Mr: "I am the little boy's younger brother, match yesterday my brother to you yesterday was hit by a car on the way to change, this is your change." The man was very moved. Credit is a man's precious character.

People live in society and they always associate with others. Good faith and good faith can make the relationship between people more harmonious and life better.






China has a history of five thousand years. Honesty is our foundation. In our lives, honesty is the guarantee of our existence.

Remember I read an article about a teenager fishing on a small island in the lake with his father. After a while, the boy caught a big bass and the boy was very proud. But his father looked at his watch, shook his head, and told the young boy that he had not yet been open to the opening of the bass and let him release the bass. The helpless boy had to put the big bass in the water. Later, the teenager became aware of the truth that his father had let him release the bass, and became an honest and faithful architect. There is an old saying that there is a certain amount of money that will be repaid. It is not easy to make an appointment. "Honesty" is the father's message to the young man, because he keeps it in his heart, so it will be successful today.

Remember the 2008 Spring Festival gala in a sketch, called "dream home", it in humorous language and acting telling people to be honest, fraud is a people is no good end. Yes, there are also many stories that suggest this, and the importance of "honesty".

"Integrity" is the virtue of our Chinese nation, and let us carry on this virtue. With integrity, we can be more stable in this society. The 2008 Olympic Games will soon be the land of the old and civilization in China held, we will let this virtue to show to the world, make with the good faith for this China will always stand in the east of the world!








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