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2023-07-18 04:49:10




The rural population is predominantly rural; urban-based non-agricultural population.

Rural population density; urban population density.

In rural areas with farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and other primary industry-based; urban industrial, service and other secondary and tertiary industries mainly.

Rural single function, with light, heat, water, soil and other natural conditions, are closely related; urban area is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center.


The difference between our towns and the country has tapered off,but there is still distinction between them.

People who live in cities can enjoy the coveniences of hospitals,schools and colleges,places of entertainment,various shops,and modern means of transport.But they have to endure noise,dirty air,traffic jams and crowded housing conditions.

People who live in the countryside can enjoy the green fields,fresh air,spacious houses and unsophisticated folkways.But comparatively their life is somewhat dull,and there are fewer schools and hospitals.The youngsters have to go to somewhere else to attend college.

If it is up to me make the choice,I prefer the urban life.Because I think there are more opportunities and challenges for young peple in cities.Besides,we can live a more exciting life which is full of change and variety.


prefer countryside to city.Because the environment of countyside is much better than the one in the city.

For example,The ground in the countryside is cleaner than the one in the city,it's quieter in the countryside then in the city and the air in the countryside is fresher while the air in the city is dirtier.Moreover,there are many noises in the city while it's peaceful in the countryside.And the trees are greener and taller in the countryside.Urban people are living a busier life.The only advantage of the city is that the road is wider than the one in the countryside.


Living in a city has many advantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. There are more and more cities increasing in the world.It means our economics increasing day by day.But today I would like to talk about the good sides and the bad sides about living in the cities.

1、There are a large education resources ,so you can get a better education tha in little towns or villages.This is one of the most important things for many people.

2、the traffic in cities is more convenient.You can go somewhere by plane、subway、bus or taxi.But there comes one problem:traffic in cities is getting worse.We always say a teribble traffic to someone when we are late for a date.




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