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2023-07-19 05:38:28




Dear JimHow is it going? I’m writing to invite you to our activity——“experience Chinese traditional culture” we are going to organize the activity at school next Friday afternoon. We’ll experience Chinese traditions, such as making dumplings, learning a dragon dance, drinking Chinese tea and so on. I hope we can enjoy ourselves. I believe you can learn more about china and love Chinese traditional culture by having this kind of activity.I’m looking forward to your early replyYoursXiao Hua.


Dear peterHow is it going? I’m writing to invite you to come to visit Beijing this summer.I have made a plan for us. First, we can visit some places of interest, like the Great Wall. You will get some feelings about Chinese history there. And I will also take you to watch Beijing Opera, because it’s a traditional Chinese art. Of course, we are going to Quanjude, a famous Chinese restaurant, to enjoy Beijing Duck. It’s delicious!As for the weather, it’s a little hot in Beijing in summer, so please bring some cool clothes. And don’t forget to take a camera. We are sure to take a lot of photos.


At my school, we are also talking about field learning. We have many chances to do some field learning and there are lots of places waiting for us to explore. But I prefer museums to others, especially science museums.I want to learn more science knowledge there and get to know more about some famous scientists. What’s more, I really want to try some scientific experiments there. It must be very interesting.In my opinion, field learning gives us great chances to learn and try some useful things which we can’t do at school. It can help us learn to think and work with others. I love it!




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