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2023-07-23 06:22:12



我爱运动英语作文一:我爱运动 I Love Sport

I love sports. I love all kind of sports. I can’t stay inside the house for a long time. When I have spare time, I will go out to play sports. If it is convenient, anyone asks me to go out to play sports, I will say yes. I often go hiking, running, swimming, play basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis and so on. All of them are my favorite. And because of them, I have a good body.



Taking exercise is good for our health. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. By taking exercise, we can relax our body and mind. At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good figure. If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall sick.

I enjoy several outdoor sports. Swimming in the sea is my favorite. Because there are too many people in a swimming pool and the water is always dirty, I prefer to swim in the sea.

Playing badminton is also fun. I can always find a place in the park for playing badminton. Besides, I enjoy jogging in the morning. Sometimes, I jog with my parents in the park.

我爱运动英语作文三:我爱运动 I Love Sport

I love sports and athletics. Sports and athletics are not just building our bodies but also refueling our spirits. They give us energy to continue our work and studies as well as incentive and momentum to create. They help us maintain a positive attitude towards life and stay competitive whenever facing any challenges. Without sports and athletics, we should definitely be in a tedious world living a tedious life.





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