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2023-07-23 06:25:12




The Terracotta Army is one of the most famous attractions in China because of its historical significance and uniqueness.First Emperor of Qin unified China in 221 B.C.He ordered the creation of this model army.It is very significant because hundreds of fine life-size models represent the army that triumphed over all other Chinese armies at that time.The army was the decisive factor in forming a united China.The army of terracotta statues was made to be buried with the First Emperor of Qin as a show of his glory.

兵马俑(the Terracotta Army)由于它的历史意义和独特性而成为中国最知名的景点之一。秦始皇于公元前221年统一中国。他下令建造了这个军队的模型。兵马俑意义非常,因为数以百计精美的真人大小的模型代表了当时横扫中国所有其他军队的庞大军队。这个军队是统一的中国能够形成的决定性因素。兵马俑的陶俑(terracotta statues)是用来为秦始皇殉葬的,以彰显他的荣耀。


Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta Warriors


Emperor Qin's mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi'an city,

秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,

facing Weishui River in the north,close to the tourist resort Huaqing Pool in the west.


The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of the mausoleum,discovered in March of 1974,by a group of farmers drilling a well against the draught.

巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1 500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。

Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2 000 years.

考古学家发掘了在地下隐藏2 000年的宝藏,

The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide.


Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit into lanes of warriors neatly arrayed.


Due to its hugeness and the lack of written data,Chinese archaeologists and historians have worked on the mausoleum for decades.


Full scale excavation is left to the future, except some scientific unearthing of a few satellite pits,and visitors to the tomb see only a hill like mound.



The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, a part of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum, is one of the significant findings in the world archaeological history of the twentieth century. It was constructed for Qin Shi Huang to rule the empire in his afterlife and discovered in 1974 by local farmers in Xi'an. Varying in height, uniform and hairstyle in accordance with rank, the life-sized terra-cotta warriors are arranged in battle formation. The vivid and life-like images reflect the high engraving level of craftsmen. The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, the largest underground military museum, was listed as the World Cultural Heritages and honored as "The Eighth Wonder of the World" in 1987.

兵马俑(the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses)是秦始皇陵墓(mausoleum)的一部分,也是20世纪世界考古(archaeological)史上最伟大的发现之一。兵马俑是秦始皇为了死后能继续统治王国而建造的,在1974年被西安当地的农民发现。真人一样大小的兵俑按战斗队形排列,依据不同的等级,他们的身高、制服和发型都不相同。他们生动、逼真的形象,显示了工匠们极高的雕刻水平。兵马俑是世界上最大的地下军事博物馆,于1987年被列入世界文化遗产,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。




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