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高中英语作文: 运动会

2023-07-30 07:34:02

高中英语作文: 运动会

When autumn comes, I feel so excited, because the sports meeting comes.

I like sports so much. When I was very small, my father took me to watch the basketball match, in the long time, sports have become part of my life.

When I started to come to school, I join the basketball team, I had the great time to practice with my friends.

Though high school life is very busy and I have to learn so many subjects, I still keep taking exercise everyday.

Sports meeting time is my favorite time in the semester. I can take part in many activities, such as basketball and high jump.

I am full of energy, I just want to enjoy the moment of taking exercise. Sports meeting indeed brings students many energy and make the students become active. They can also exercise their bodies.


【高中英语作文: 运动会】



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