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2023-08-13 02:24:07




We know the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.

On the Internet, we can get as much information as we can. We can send e-mails to our friends and talk to them as well.

Besides, on the Internet we can read books, enjoy music and watch ball games.

We can also do shopping without leaving our homes. But many students spend too much time playing Internet games. They waste a lot of time.

We must make good use of the Internet.


Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their free time.I think Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages.

For example,if I have some trouble studying, I can surf the internet to find more helpful information. And I can make more friends on it. Some of my classmates say they feel happy when they talk with more friends with many similar hobbies.

However, Internet can make some problems at the same time. If you spend too much time on it ,you will becaome lazy and can't put your heart on study. It will be even worse if you feel you can't live without Internet.

So we must be careful when we use the Internet.


Internet connects our life tightly and deeply.

I daren't imagine what the world would be if without Internet.

Internet is being used in many aspects:education,security,science,industry, agriculture,astronomy and even archeology. So it has an unnumerable effects to human beings.

Internet is a royal tool to make our lives easier and happier.It makes the world smaller and we call the new world the Earth Village.

It has positive impacts which satisfies us ,but it also has the negtive.

Many youths can't hold themselves from burrying in it.Some unmoral ones make Internet as a place to spread crime,bawdry and drugs.Under the quick and correct responses of Internet, criminals have collected inestimable treasure.

My knowledge is poor.If you know more, you can tell us.




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