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2023-08-31 06:20:09



This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Pruning makes no sense. You cut off parts of a plant. Yet the plant is supposed to grow back even better than before? This demands an answer.

The explanation begins with the apical bud. This bud is at the end of the actively growing tip of the plant.

Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin. The buds release this hormone down the plant stem. When the top of the main shoot is removed -- by pruning or breakage -- the auxin is no long produced.

This causes buds to the side, called lateral buds, to wake up and start growing. The result: better plant development.

Pruning can also remove unhealthy or unneeded parts of a plant, and increase the growth of flowers and fruit.

Generally, the best time to prune is in late winter, before spring growth starts. But gardening experts at the University of Florida extension point out some exceptions.

For example, spring-blooming plants like spireas and azaleas should be pruned after they bloom. Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger. That will help them develop branches that produce new blooms.

Plant expert Doug Welsh says when you prune a rosebush, crape myrtle or shade tree, first remove dead, broken or diseased parts. Cut at the place where the problem begins. "Deadhead," or take off, dead blooms.

Remove any branches that touch another branch; leave the stronger one or the one that is in a better position. Remove any branches growing in the same space as the branches next to them. Also prune branches growing toward the ground, high branches growing straight up and shoots growing from the base of the tree.

But Doug Welsh, a professor at Texas A&M University, says not to go too far with pruning. He says a lot of it can be avoided just by choosing the right plant for the right space. "People can ruin what nature has created," he says.

Melissa Snyder, a master gardener in Manatee County, Florida, says pruning wounds a plant. People do not need to put anything on the wound, she says. But they do need to be careful not to wound themselves with chainsaws or other pruning tools.

Also, tools can spread disease from one plant to another. So be sure to disinfect tools with alcohol or bleach after each plant.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. Next week, learn about new scientific understanding of how pruning works. And for more gardening advice, go to 51voa.com. I'm Steve Ember.









植物学专家Doug Welsh表示,修剪玫瑰丛,桃金娘或者能遮荫的数木时,应该首先剪掉枯死,断裂或患病的部分,从出现问题的地方开始修剪。除掉枯死的花朵。


但是得克萨斯A&M大学的Doug Welsh说,不要过度修剪。他说,选择正确的植株,种植在正确的地方可以避免许多修剪工作。“人们会毁掉自然界创造的东西。”他说。

佛罗里达Manatee郡的主要园艺师Melissa Snyder说,修剪会使植株受伤。人们不需要在伤口放置任何物质。但是,需要注意,不要使锯条或其他修剪工具伤到自己。


1.release vt.释放,解放,放松,豁免,免除,发表

例句:Fine arts allowed him to release his natural gifts.


2.stem n. 茎,柄,船首,血统,堵塞物

vt. 摘掉茎,装柄于,阻止,堵住,逆行

例句:Correct decisions stem from correct judgement.


The liner has been refitted from stem to stern.


3.breakage n. 破坏,破损处,破损量

例句:Customer is expected to pay for breakage .


4.generally ad.广泛地,普遍地,通常,一般

例句:Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors.


5.exception n.例外,除外;反对,异议

例句:There is no rule but has exceptions.


6.bloom vi.开花,焕发青春,茂盛

例句:These flowers will bloom all through the summer.


7.disinfect vt.除去(感染), 给…消毒

例句:Disinfect the wound before you bandage it up.


1.Pruning makes no sense. You cut off parts of a plant.

make no sense毫无意义

例句:The explanation made no sense.


cut off切下,割下;切断,截断,隔离,使中断联系,中断,剥夺财产继承权

例句:The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.


2.But gardening experts at the University of Florida extension point out some exceptions.

point out指出,指明

例句:She pointed out all the salient features of the building.


I beg to point out that you are wrong.





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