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2023-09-06 05:10:01


Day 1 - Clear

It was a lazy morning. The weather was fine and not too cold, just right for me! I haven't really thought about what to do for the day so I wandered around the house. After having breakfast, I decided that perhaps it's time for me to tidy up my room. So I sat down and got to my task.

I must say, this is tiring work! After about 5 hours, there was a massive pile of unwanted items for me to recycle or throw away. But as I looked through these items, I felt a sense of longing for them. After all, they have been with me for so many years and some of them carry deep and precious memories of my life. When I browsed through these items, I am glad that I have come so far in life and grown so much! It is truly enriching and wonderful to know how much I have grown in the past few years.

And yet I also know that one has to look forward and not keep looking back. What's done is done. Let bygones by bygones! So off they went - those little bits of memories of my life. And I look forward to tomorrow!




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