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2023-10-01 06:38:05




University is the place where dreams begin; in order not to make this dream fail at graduation, we must plan and spend college life with a mindset that we start with. University is also the most concentrated period in our life, which can take advantages and avoid weaknesses, which can be torn away for a long time. So if his university is obscure and indifferent, he will not really understand the meaning and function of University. Because once the passion of youth is lost, it will never be found, so the university must and do it and cherish it.

A university is the beginning of the other three years of university is an important year, so the first step to enter university to go to the other, so that it can lay the foundation for three years, I believe as long as the time step, can be increased step by step, step by step. All because of "dream sail!"

Less than that, the university is another new starting point for our life. It is the University of real significance. It is the most important journey of every fortunate university student. This route is composed of three broad steps and numerous thin brick tiles, which is our young and cold youth. However, how to deal with the first step of the University. The big one is now each just entering college students thinking, the feelings of regret.

The first is the beginning of the good end, but also the sign of the end. The great one is the same as many of our circumstances, only once, and the beginning of this is that it has the influence of winning and even the meaning of the decision.

There is an essential difference between a university and a high school. Here, you will find that you are more free, more dominant, and completely control your life. Because of this, we are more likely to be confused and easier to lose our direction. Sometimes we don't know what we are pursuing.

The goal of life is the navigation mark of the road of life, and it is the motive force of the progress of life. After losing my time for a long time, I initially established my university's aim of struggle by communicating with senior students and communicating with teachers. I decided to be a compound talent with high ideological awareness, good psychological quality, good professional skills and strong ability to work through three years of college study. This is also a requirement for college students in the new century.

The goal is established, and our students have regained a constant source of motivation. Because I am very interested in English, I have English as a breakthrough to improve oral English ability, I get rid of the bad habit of sleeping in, every morning in the campus to read English loudly, "" Crazy English Greeting of every tree and bush. Through hard work, academic achievements have been gradually improved.

College life is a long way of life, and it is also a piece of music of the song of life. This passage, even short, is long, and the movement may be beautiful and sad. Although my college life has just begun, I believe it will be full of happiness.

Finally, I am here to wish you all the best to work together, to make progress together, to accumulate more experience, and to make a better way for you.











Four years ago in the summer, the sound of cicadas outside, I thought at home how college life would be a scene. Four years in the past, the sound of cicadas outside is still in the ear, as if it was the same as four years ago. Four years of college life has made me grow up and mature, so that I have a lot of things to have a deeper understanding.

In the University, on no teacher, education and anti-corrosion tireless; not every day do not finish the exercises and test papers; not every day to score, ranking and anxious, worried … … in the month to experience college life, there is such a thing that impresses me in the first college class, there are two girls in a few minutes late, according to previous habits report into the classroom. But then the teacher said: “ at the University, if you are late for class or something want to leave it, you don't have to report, just quietly from the back door, do not affect everyone's good … … ” after that, I also met other in high school and even want to all dare not to think things. For example, you can get in and out of the dormitory and the school gate at any time, because you need to do something to skip classes.

So, I'm out: the University, is a completely self-conscious process. If we are a nestling in high school, we can say that the university has grown up, away from the patronage of the parents, away from the teacher's supervision, and the rest is only his own master.

So now we have to manage ourselves well, plan our beautiful university life, and make sure that we can laugh at our university life in the future.






My college life carefully, in retrospect, is like a book, is the most beautiful color in the book, is the most beautiful story. It also has the most wonderful life. I have a lot of novelty every day in my college life. Every day, it has its own unique pleasure, every day, is giving me the heart of the feeling.

Remember when I go to college, the long dream, we bided sword, those unforgettable days are still visible before the eyes. In the day of harvest in our understanding through their own efforts to accomplish one thing is how meaningful, and we walked together to the beautiful campus, stand together through storm and stress. Standing at the new starting point, I was so excited, and then was so … …

However, in the university life picture spread, I found in search of searching the end are not the heart of the previous “ that person is in the dim light of the joy of &rdquo. The dream he found Baidu, was veiled. This time, I have been confused and wandering, but time will not stop it from footsteps, as &ldquo is written by Zhu Ziqing; when you wash your hands, in the past day from the basin; when you eat, the days from their jobs in the past; when silent, the double eyes ningran from the past. I perceived him to rush … … ” yes! Time to water, and our life there are many things to do, in order to dream, let us cherish the time, from now on every little bit accumulation! Make our college life more full, rich, rhythm.

In life I hope happy with success, I know the smile in every youth season, the call of the sea: we will not let the courage to fight back in the waves, blue sky call, cannot let fly wings degradation in dark clouds.

We all have the dreams and the pursuit of the people, do not give up the pace of progress because of the difficult road. The process of pursuing the dream is bitter, but only through the sharpened life will have more connotations. Do not let uneasy heart be impetuous occupy, but ride the soul of the wings to learn knowledge on campus, learn from different levels of people in a better way to behave. In four years, it is very difficult to persist, but giving up is very easy. We always believe that winter is coming, spring is not far away, not through the winter without warm nor Zhichun, not through the desert water sweet, without fail do not understand the joy of success. Because the young, we are likely to fail, but it is young gave us courage and never give up capital. As long as we walk all the way through our feet with passion, we will eventually win.

The university is full of talent, learning, and a small stage and small society full of competition and challenge. Every one of us in this stage plays a different role, why don't we try to play the role of their best! As a college student, we are eager to positive rather than blind impulse, bold and not wantonly recklessly, dare to think and not utopian, deep into thinking and not thinking over &hellip …; let us grasp the youth, to exercise their own here! Leave your hard figure in organizing activities, to show you the most beautiful style in community activities, dedicate your in volunteer activities. Here you get not only a kind of knowledge, but also the most valuable wealth of life. When we were young, in their prime, pointing Jiangshan jiyangwenzi. Let the flower of life give birth to the color of youth, and let the youth glow because of vitality. The university campus, not do not, only unexpected, let us give full play to our talents! People are less living, the university is the most cherished. Let's not let the youth idle away, and load a little gain in every day's life, so that a confident smile will float on your face, and I believe firmly that there will be rewards for giving and passionate excitement.

The university is the halls of every one of us. In order to come to this hall, we have experienced the wind and rain. Now that we have stepped into this threshold, let us sprinkle our personality in the hall of this dream.

My college life is no longer a dream in my mind at this moment. It is the ideal in our heart, and it is an ideal that we strive for, strive for, fight for it, and try our best to achieve it. My college life, we will have a heart, every day is full of the title page, every day has a different experience in our university life, will be fruitful.










University, where many senior students yearn for. College life, every high school student is dreaming of something to experience. At least I was at that time. But, to tell you the truth, University is just a beautiful imagination for me at that time, but how on earth is it? I think I have a certain understanding of him now.

The sky is just bright, you can see the campus people read foreign language in the shade, the kind of attentive, let pedestrians lightly steps, for fear of disturbing them. Find a seat to sit down, took out the textbook, a day of college life began.

The road pedestrian gradually more, broke the quiet campus, nearly time for class, and students chatting game last night, walking to the classroom. The classroom was soon lost to the teacher's lecture to the wonderful thoughts, follow the teacher in the dust, the old professor face was youth brilliance.

Afternoon after school time is the most unforgettable, this is their own can be allocated time, can go to the Internet, dating, dinner, and so on, but also various activities organized by the time, from the sports hall came the sound of applause, a group of students playing football on the football field, there are a few small girls shouting refueling......

I have been in College for two years without knowing it. In recent two years, there are all kinds of ups and downs. Anyway, we are growing up day by day, moving forward step by step towards our dreams.

In the end, I can also say: my college life is really wonderful.










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