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2023-10-05 04:54:01




At this moment, you have reached the destination of this trip: huangshan, anhui. My name is zhang weixiang. I am a tour guide who can not play enough travel agency. I am very glad to be with you today. I hope you can have a good time in huangshan with my company.

The landscape of China is known to all the world. Among the countless beautiful landscapes, huangshan is famous for its "qi", which is known as "the five mountains return not to see the mountains, the return of huangshan mountain".

Everyone knows that huangshan has four! They are "odd pine, strange stone, cloud sea, hot spring".

The beauty of huangshan begins with song. The nine big pine, the posture is different, some break the stone and come out, some hold a cliff to stand, among them to "welcome the guest song" to be led. They grow on the cliffs, green and tall, lush and elegant. Two side branches stretch, the other side is curved, just like a polite and gracious host, spread out the hands, make a "please" movement, "welcome visitors, will be four guests."

Huangshan dangerous peak stands out, the rocks are rugged. The cliff face is steep, the rocks are broken, and the nature of the work is obvious. Some, like a sharp sword in the valley, let the human flesh creep, some like a horse wandering in the sea of clouds, if looming. Take the masculine and feminine beauty, beautiful, lifelike.

Climb the mountain, look down, a vast expanse of white clouds, like a fairy white gauze, dancing between the valley; Like the vast sea, the waves are on the shore, rolling up thousands of snow. The sea of clouds is changing slowly, like static and non-static, like moving and not moving, with qifeng strange rocks, pine trees, mountain spring streams, birds singing, quietly detached, don't have fun.

The hot spring of huangshan is also very famous, it does not do long dry, the long rain does not overflow, the water temperature is constant, the spring water soluble can drink, can cure, the fitness, is the good place to recuperate.

The four seasons of huangshan are clear: the peak of spring is clear, the mountain flowers are blooming; Summer cool and cool, everywhere waterfalls; In autumn, the sky is high and the red leaves are rosy. In the winter, the silver is covered with snow. Huangshan is indeed a great place to travel, summer and snow, and the beauty of huangshan is not enough to say, and it is not enough to see. Now please enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan! Also, please don't throw the skin and food wrappers around while you play. Don't go to dangerous places. Have fun!

Hope you will visit huangshan again next time!


Dear tourists, hello, I am your guide. My name is Lin yongxin. You can call me xiao Lin. At this time, my mood is very happy hope that we visit huangshan happy.

Huangshan, China, is the world's cultural and natural heritage, and is the only scenic spot in China's top ten scenic spots. Since ancient times, the huangshan mountain has been known as "the return of the five mountains, not the mountains, the return of the huangshan mountain", "mount huangshan, the world is no mountain".

Huangshan, located in huangshan city, south China's anhui province, covers an area of 1200 square kilometers. The essence of huangshan, which is the huangshan scenic area we are going to visit, covers an area of about 154 square kilometers. Huangshan was called black mountain before the tang dynasty, and black was black, because the rocks on the mountain were black and black, and the ancients gave it such a name. It is said that xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese people, came here to take medicine and alchemy after the completion of the unification of the central plains and the Chinese civilization, and took a bath in the hot spring. The famous emperor of the tang dynasty, the Ming emperor, li longji, believed this story very much, and in the sixth year of tianbao (747), an imperial edict was issued to rename the black mountain huangshan. The mountain is the mountain of the yellow emperor. Since then, the name huangshan has been here ever since. Long, long ago, in the long geological history, the infinite force of nature, shaped huangshan's beautiful graceful bearing and all kinds of strange scenery, intoxicating. The beauty of huangshan, first of all, beauty in its qifeng. There is a competitive show, the peak is amazing, each has its own unique charm. In history, there are 36 peaks and 36 small peaks. In recent years, 10 famous peaks have been selected in the yellow mountain annals. The most high of more than 80 peaks in km above sea level, the highest (1864.7 meters), lotus peak of the flat light (1860 meters), tiandu feng ZuiXian (1810 meters), the three peaks and charm u always believe peak (1683 meters).

Huangshan is famous for its "odd pine", "strange stone", "yunhai" and "hot spring". Next I will introduce huangshan "strange stone".

Strange stone, it is to constitute huangshan scenery of another "absolutely". In huangshan everywhere can see strange form strange rocks, these strange looking differ in thousands ways, some like, some like things, some some reflects some of the myths and legends and historical stories, lifelike, vivid and interesting. Known in about 121 stone, there are higher up the "stone", "fairy playing chess", "magpie on mei", "monkey view of the sea", "fairy tan boots", "three penglai island", "golden call tianmen", etc. Some of these rocks are huge, some are exquisite; Some are independent, some combination or clever combination of the scene. Also some peak because viewing position and Angle changed, looking also had the change, became a stone two scene, such as heaven "and" golden "five old to heaven", "magpie on mei" also called "fairy the way" is to walk in scene.

And the sea of clouds. Although other famous mountains in China can see the sea of clouds, there is no one that can match the spectacular and unpredictable nature of the yellow mountain clouds. About this, huangshan has another name, "yellow sea". This is not to pretend that there is history. In the Ming dynasty, there was a famous historian named pan zhiheng, who lived in huangshan for several decades and wrote a book called huangshan mountain, a book of 60 volumes, called "yellow sea". Some of huangshan scenic spots, hotels and many landscape named, is associated with this special "sea", if some landscape view in the sea of clouds, will appear more real, more lasting appeal. These also prove that the name "yellow sea" is true.

I hope you can protect the natural cultural heritage left by our ancestors and not destroy them.




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