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小升初作文:A library

2023-11-05 07:31:03

关于小升初作文推荐:A library

A library used to be only a building with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me. I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a boring place for a child. Since I became a senior high school student, I have more homework that requires me to find the latest information on a topic or some good ideas. So I got into the habit of going to the library, and I can't tell you how wonderful it is! There are so many interesting books I've never read, including novels and books about science and computers. Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very popular. Now I also have something else to do when I'm in a library: studying. Studying together with a lot of people is a good experience. Now I'm never bored when I'm in a library. Do you want to see how much fun it is? Come with me to a library today!

【关于小升初作文推荐:A library】



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