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2023-11-08 04:15:11




The ice does not melt on its own

It melts because some fingertips have touched it

The fingertips touched it gently

Then a flower bloomed

The breeze on the fingertips

The birds chirping on the fingertips

If the fingertips touch the roses

The roses will bloom before they touch them

Blood oozes from the fingertips

The flowers of spring blooms on them


"Hello,dear Robin in the tree,

Will you sing a song for me ?

'Yes,I will sing a happy song,

Cheerily cheerily all day long.

Hear the March winds blow,

See the green buds show,

Beartiful flowers are dancing,

Glad that spring is coming."


From you have I been absent in the spring,

When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim,

Hath put a spirit of youth in everything,

That heavy Saturn laughed and leaped with him,

Yet nor the lays of birds, nor the sweet smell

Of different flowers in odor and in hue,

Could make me any summer’s story tell,

Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew.

Nor did I wonder at the lily’s white,

Nor praise the deep vermilion in the rose;

They were but sweet, but figures of delight,

Drawn after you, you pattern of all those.

Yet seemed it winter still, and, you away,

As with your shadow I with these did play.


After this station, winter.

Just wave away. He took off his hat,

A hundred dazzling pictures taken overnight,

Leave memories for the past.

The wild chrysanthemums have been eclipsed.

At that moment, the thunder came in full.

The electric light, away from the fields,

Light the earth.

Spring thunder bursts of bad laughter.

Rolling over the roof,

The rain was like the line drawn by the charcoal.

To all the fences.

Perhaps the whole of nature is the color of marek?

Perhaps the whole of nature is a chorus of voices?

Maybe the whole nature is just Numbers and lines?

Perhaps the whole nature is only the wish of beauty?

Thought, no measure of depth,

No force can stop the march of spring.

There is only one possibility for me to say to the moment, "stop" :

Break the chain of thought and let the ideal cast the thought.

Suddenly, we had an Epiphany.

We see countless colours,

If the ideal cannot measure the depth,

Then we create the spring breeze in the deep.

Spring stands before us in the mountains.

Spread happiness to us.

Who will listen to our forgotten vows.

Who will accept our dedication this spring?

Is cool winter certain to restrain oneself of damage?

The glory of the season is over,

Nothing left for it, it had to?

In the fury of the storm.

Although there have been numerous times.

The earth has been old and sad.

But now it has come to life, when the leaves are renewed.

When the SAP came out in droves.

Spring walked up the steps silently.

All of a sudden, everyone thought of how lonely and dead they had been.

Carrying a bed, as if carrying a stamp.

The river swells like an ocean of asphalt.

My feet have the same blood as spring.

Don't walk barefoot on this grass,

My garden is full of tender spring.

Don't disturb the rhythm of her growth.

I wandered lonely in the spring, like a cloud on the hills and valleys,

Suddenly I saw a group of golden daffodils opening in the spring.

Under the trees, beside the lake,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

As the stars shine,

They stretch along the edge of the bay to an endless line;

I saw ten thousand at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

With such a cheerful companion,

How can a poet be unhappy!

I stared for a long time, but I could not imagine.

How much treasure did the spectacle give me?

Spring often comes to mind,

That is the bliss of solitude;

Then my heart is filled with happiness,

And dances with the daffodils.

Spring rotates with rocks and trees around the earth.

Tiptoe through the long river of our life.

I grin at spring,

It is now forty-three years old.

With all the magic of goodness around us,

Guided by faith and peace.

So these days I will go with you,

With you, my friend, to welcome the New Year.

The past year still haunts our hearts,

The pressure of time is still lingering.

Lord, give peace to the broken soul,

Your promise of grace, your comfort, in this glorious spring day.

But if you have a broken heart,

And I will drink it, and I will not leave it.

We can only be grateful for nothing.

For this is the gift of your gracious hand.

But if thou wilt give pleasure,

So that our world may be bathed in sunshine,

May we always remember this time,

Again in your loving care.

May your candle flame spread warmth,

The light dazzled the night.

May your will be done to bring us back together.

May your love inspire a ray of hope that lights up our night.

At this moment, the spring strong person still,

Let us hear the voice of the earth,

In the light world,

A psalm of universal exultation.

I believe that

There is all the goodness that surrounds us,

Tell us not to ask the future,

God will be with us from morning to night.

The promise of love begins every morning.

Everything makes me feel emotional.

The window of my heart was flushed with a faint blush.

And the red glow of the sunset.

Distant green forests and boundless spring.

I feel closer than my friends...

I sing, unwearily,

Gaze deep into the spring to eternity!

Even though cool winter is still there.

The earth is beginning to turn.

Four seasons samsara

What a beautiful spring!




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