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2023-12-07 07:15:05


Today is a good day. Special sunny day, blue sky clouds had floated. Lovely birds singing in the dense branches. Colorful flowers against the wind children dance merrily. In this beautiful environment, we held a Spring Games.

The race began. Look here is the long jump competition held. Athletes eyes glued to the bunker, suddenly ran forward quickly, suddenly stepped foot on the pedal, vacated leap, body, and league ball, and then forward one, suddenly jumped more than 3 meters it! The presence of people have cheered for him, he looked up, leaping with joy.

Look over there, the exciting four hundred meters Relay will begin. Athletes one by one gearing up to try it. Just listen and snapped, as the cosine of the arrow athletes, like washed out, some of them bite the bullet, and some face Biede red, and he kept staring at the eyes red. Now leading the V (2) classes, only the last bar, the audience cheering after another, the competition has come to a white-hot. Finally, five (2) class and won the game victory.

Although the end of games, but always exciting scenes also surfaced in my eyes, unforgettable.




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