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2024-01-01 04:01:01


1.我爱你们,我的"父母(I Love You,my parents)

Dear parents,

Though today is not Thanksgiving Day, I still want to tell you I love you and thank you for what you've done for me.

I know you are not successful people, but you give me lots of love. I know you love me more than anything else in the world. I know you spend lots of time and money on me. How can I return the love to you? I am deeply touched. Sometimes I argue with you and make you angry and sad, but you always smile to me. You never change your love to me.When something worries me, you always make me laugh. You play pingpong with me and tell me funny stories. Though I am very busy with my homework, I never feel stressed. I lead a happy life because of your love.

Believe me, I will try my best to be a successful person and let you be proud of me in the future. I love you!

Lots of love

Yours Daughter

2. 保持水源清洁(Keeping Water Sources Clean)

Who is willing to drink the polluted water? It can cause us to be ill and even to die. We can't wait for a moment to protect our water sources. The water we use comes from oceans, lakes, rivers or streams. But many of these water sources are getting seriously polluted. Towns and cities are pouring dust into the water. Many people are throwing all kinds of dirty things into the water. Factories are pouring waste material into the water. Therefore, water sources have become so badly polluted that some of the water is unfit to drink or to use. Now it is high time that we should do something to protect our water environment from being polluted.






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