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2024-08-28 16:58:12



topic166 people recognize a difference between children and adults. what events (experiences or ceremonies) make a person an adult? use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.







topic: 166

everytime my father encounter something difficult,i feel anxious and ask myself "when will i become an adult?" a children is so little thin and coward,but an adult is very strong and wise.i want to help my parents and make them happy.

some books and movies tell me that many things can make me an adult.they are experiences or ceremonies such as going to college,getting a job,wedding and so on.

we may look into every possible events,however,the foremost should be the entrance to college.from the first day on campus,we have to do a lot of things all by ourselves,washing clothes,cleaning doms and buying fruits.a child never worry about these things.we also learn how to protect ourselves and how to get well with the others.we keep alert to judge whether our behaviours are right or wrong and distinguish which is good or bad for us.when we meet difficulties,we can overcome them by our own efforts instead of asking for help from you parents,

we bacome adults since the moment.

when we graduate,we find a job and live on our own earnings.we work hard and do a good job to make our value by give our own contributions to the society.we plan how to use our time and money to make ends meet.we help who are in the hardship.when we get rewards,we bacome adults since the moment.

then we get married and have children.we teach them how to walk, how to speak and how to bacome adults.we also make our parents and relatives happy.we become adults since the moment.

so life is beautiful.to become an adult means to become more independent and more responsible.

topic: 166

the difference between children and adults are very easy to tell from their physical outlooks: children and small, weak, have a poor judgment, and have to depend on adults. on the contrary, adults are big, strong, and more independent. every child will grow up to become an adult. what events make a person an adult? in my personal opinion, there are a lot of events which mark the turning point for a person to become adult.

in many countries, when a child becomes eighteen years old, he or she legally becomes an adult. there will be a big celebration and many best wishes from relatives and friends; the young person may also have a great longing for a bright future in his adult life. he may move out from his parents house and live alone; he may start dating and doing activities which only adults can do, such as going to a pub.

graduation from college is another big turning point for a person to become adult. in college the young person may reply fully or partially on his parents for financial support, but after he graduates, he must find a job for himself, and live on his own. graduating from college and joining the work force can also make a person an adult.

marriage is also a big event to a person. once become husband or wife, the young person starts to take care of others, and take responsibility for the family. once the young person becomes a parent, he or she should also take care of the baby.

i believe that getting married and have children is the most important event that turns a person into an adult. only after one gets married, does he or she take on the responsibility to the family and the society.

topic: 166

there are so many differences between children and adults, such as adults always make decisions independently, while children offten deal with things under the supervision of adults. although it is a course that a child grows up and become an adult, i believe that many events play a significant role in it. based on the experience and life style of my own, leaving parents and living alone is the event that turn a child into an adult.

the main reason of the argument i support is that living independently could develop the ability of thinking and doing independently. in family, parents always prepare everything and create a comfortable condition for children. children at home are almostly carefree, and need not worry about cooking, washing, making cleanning, and the only thing they have to care of is study. however, when living in the dormitory of school, they have to begin to study how to deal with house work and how to get on alone with others. and it is more important that they have to think independently and make decisions like adults.

another reason can be seen by everyone is that to live independently a child will have to face many problems which need courage and the capabilty to cope with. without the help from parents, children will find there are so many unexcepted concrete troubles can not be resolved only by themselves. for example, when a freshmen move into dormitory, he or she have learn to change the light bulb, clean the house, how to get on well with roommate and so on. at this time, making friends and helping each other are very important for them to resolve the troubles.

in addition, the frustration and even the failure in life is very significant in the course of grouth. an experience, example, or observation impart benenficial new knowledge and wisdom. in the same way, a failure bring children lessons and make their thought and behavir mature and sense.

general speaking, living independently will develop the ability of dealing with things of children, test the courage of cope with difficulties of them, and bring them many lessons. taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that living by own make a child mature and wise , and turn a child into an adult.

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