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初一英语作文:A happy life

2019-12-18 04:15:01

初一英语作文:A happy life

Fast cars,beautiful houses and delicious food, we can see these things everywhere in the city. But when you are enjoying these, have you ever thought about other people? Some people don’t use,or even never see these things.

In the world, tens of thousands of people are poor. Only in Africa, there are about 8,000,000 poor people. When you see the number,can you still enjoy your good things?

I once read an article. In a school, there were lots of beautiful tables. The tables were used to have meals. Through the large windows, the students could see green grass and the sun. Wasn’t it wonderful?One day, the schoolmaster went on a trip. On the way, he went to a good restaurant. He ordered a lot of delicious food and sat down to enjoy it. Suddenly, he saw a boy outside the window, and the little boy was looking at the food. He didn’t know the schoolmaster was looking at him, still staring at the food. Finally, the little boy was found by the waiter and turned away.

After the schoolmaster went back to school, he made a decision to replace the beautiful tables with ordinary ones.

This story makes me deeply touched. Many people just enjoy everything but are never satisfied. They ask for materials but never think of others. Compared with the poor people, we are really happy.

In America, Bill Gates has given away most of his money to help others. In China, there are a lot of hope projects. On the Internet, a site collects rice to help poor people. So let’s act to help poor people. I believe that if everyone contributes love, the world will become much more beautiful!



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