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初二英语作文900字:An Interview

2019-12-30 07:45:01

初二英语作文900字:An Interview

A few days ago, I interviewed Xu Zheng about “the importance of English”. He told me lots of his ideas about learning English.

He said, “I think English is very interesting. I often watch English movies, take notes and listen to pop songs to improve my English. But I also have some trouble. For example, my English pronunciation is not very good. And sometimes the native speakers talk too quickly, I can’t always understand them: and he told me some ways to learn English such as learning English by making up conversations or speaking to friends in English. He said these ways were useful.

At last, he told me his thoughts. “Most people speak English as a second language. English is used around the world for computers and English is often used in science. And lots of books and movies are in English. So English is really important.

I think his opinions are very good. English is a “world language, many people are using it. If you will go to English-speaking countries, you must study English. So I agree with his opinions.



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