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Adversity makes a great life_逆境造就伟大的人生英语作文200字

2020-01-01 04:15:01

Mencius said: he was born with sorrow, and died of happiness. Suffering and ease are also a way of life. But one can cultivate faith, one can only sow mediocrity. Zoologist experiments show that the existence of the wolves made the antelope, robust, without the threat of wolves, antelope in a comfortable environment become fragile, once encounter wolves, can only be eaten. The same applies to humans. Real life needs suffering. People who are depressed are shallow when they meet with adversity. A person who is upset or upset is vulnerable. One does not understand the hardships of life, and it is easy to be arrogant and proud. The man who has not tasted the hardships of life is often difficult to do.




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