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What Makes a Leader?作文What Makes a Leader? 英语作文

2020-09-15 11:30:01

What Makes a Leader?A leader is the head of a school, or enterprise. He is the guide and supervisor as well as a boss or manager. In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things. He is a pioneer and he blazes the trail for others to follow. Therefore he is braver, faster and stronger than others.A leader comes from the masses. He has the mixure of charaeters from the masses. The leader shows the way to those led by him. He also needs support from the masses. He can earn this support only by his integrity and strength. He must show his ability to lead, that is his leadership or managerial skills. Otherwise he will be looked down upon by his counterparts.A good leader has many followers or disciples. He is loved and respected by those led by him. But we should be aware not to let the black sheep take the lead.什么是领导?领导是一个学校或企业的头头。他除了是老板、经理,还是向导和监督。在某种意义上,领导应是事业的带头人。他是先驱者和开路先锋。因此他比别人更勇敢、更迅猛、更强大。领导来自群众,他具有群众各种性格的综合。领导向被领导者指明方向,他也需要群众的支持。他只能靠自己的品德、力量来赢得群众的支持。他必须显示出他的领导才能,即领导能力和管理技能,否则,他会受到同事的蔑视。好的领导有感召力,他受到被领导者的爱戴。但是,我们不应能让那些害群之马来领头。



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