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什么是领导?What Makes a Leader?英语作文

2020-09-15 11:30:01

时间:2010 06 19来源:JOOZONE.COM栏目:作者:作文地带整理 收藏: 什么是领导?What Makes a Leader? 什么是领导?What Makes a Leader?该文细节:作文地带整理 + 标题:什么是领导?What Makes a Leader? + 发表:2010 06 19 20:16:06

A leader is the head of a , or enterprise. He is the guide and supervisor as well as a boss or manager. In a sense a leader is the pacesetter in doing things. He is a pioneer and he blazes the trail for others to follow. Therefore he is braver, faster and stronger than others.

A leader comes from the masses. He has the mixure of charaeters from the masses. The leader shows the way to those led by him. He also needs support from the masses. He can earn this support only by his integrity and strength. He must show his ability to lead, that is his leadership or managerial skills. Otherwise he will be looked down upon by his counterparts.

A good leader has many followers or disciples. He is loved and respected by those led by him. But we should be aware not to let the black sheep take the lead.



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