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2020-01-02 16:30:01

Einstein is a great physicist, and his theory of relativity has influenced many scientific researchers, and I admire him very much.

Einstein was not very clever, but also because of slow response, not good at communication, and students were ridiculed as a "moron". At that time, Einstein is not only poor, had no friends, no one thought he would become a famous physicist after.

One day, the teacher asked the students to go home and make a small bench. On the second day, the students handed over their own works. The teacher was very happy to see his classmates' works very delicate and practical. While Einstein was sitting there, not to utter a single word. "Einstein, what about your work?" The teacher asked amiable. "I, I..." He muttered, feel shy out of his "work": the material is very rough, back to the side of my legs are crooked, crooked, not as long as. The teacher said, "students, can this be a bench?" How many points can you get? " "Zero!" The students burst into a ball. Einstein, who had magically produced two worse stools, said, "the little stool just made after that, though it is not good, it is much better than what I did before."

Everyone stayed. "How many points should I score for Einstein, students?" "Full marks!" Suddenly, prolonged applause rang in the classroom. As a child, Einstein was so persistent that I was really impressed. I think this is the day after, he became an important reason of the famous physicist!


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  1. 2020-08-29 10:03琳舞天霁[山西省网友]IP:2086594480


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