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2023-06-02 05:40:01




We all have seen little rabbit! If you want to know what is my rabbit, please patiently listen to me to introduce my little white rabbit!

My little rabbit is very lovely, long on his body with white fuzz, about 26 centimeters in length and about 12 cm high. Head with white long ears, about 18 cm long. Has quite red eyes on his face, as if in the face with two beautiful ruby. There is a small, light color nose on the face, light is almost white. Face another type like "people" three petal mouths. At the back of the body is a about eight centimetres long oval tail. How cute!

Little rabbit is a small cat. One day, the rabbit is hungry, just home have no vegetables and carrots, mother let me take it to buy food. I hold it came to the vegetable market selling vegetables archives mouths, is preparing to buy some vegetables to eat. Unexpectedly, it saw vegetables like a hungry ghost, immediately rush toward up. With no ten minutes, she ate vegetable stall before some vegetables. A: hi! My pouch is bleeding!

Little rabbit is not only a cat or a rascal! Once, when I was doing my homework on the desk in the room, it is play on the bed, I do not know when I got out of bed, suddenly give me a "jump" suspension, jumping on my desk, and I did one night didn't finish his homework to shreds. Hi, can't stand it!

Although rabbits so greedy, so naughty, but I still like it so much!







Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit, but it is not a ordinary rabbit, but a unique forest kingdom rabbit. It has even more intelligent than Einstein's brain. With the invention of the improved their lives, the benefit of all. But everything can't be perfect, because of his thought is so advanced, already beyond the similar, so remote it never make no friends.

One winter's night, slowly under the heavy snow. The next day, the forest has been like a blank sheet. The rabbit casually walked in silence of the forest trails. 's head suddenly, it hit into a tree, floating, seems all of a sudden flashes: why can't I make a snowman with my play?

To start, it brought tools work for two days. Finally, made a snowman as it smart. Looked at crystal, white snowman, cheering, cheering wildly bounding: "success! Success!" Since then, the rabbit and the snowman became good friends.

A few days later, the invention rabbit began to think again, it walked casually, accidentally hit a stake again, this time is not as lucky as last time, it was sitting on the side of the farmer picked up. As a close call, snowman throws down the farmer, saved the rabbit's life. So they both became the difference between life and death.

Cold winter always so long, but the snowman together day is happy. Day after day, unconsciously has come, spring snow melt, the snowman had to made the final goodbye with rabbit, they made goodbye in the winter.









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