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2023-05-28 05:09:05




My home have a empty cage, I saw the empty cage, will think of my animal friends, my cute little gray rabbit.

Remember when I was about seven years old, my mother helped me to buy in the market for a small gray rabbit, look like little gray rabbit very lovely, it with a pair of long ears, and a pair of black eyes, a small mouth, long a lot of curved, body hair soft and supple. Feels very comfortable, look at it the lovely appearance, I give it a name, called "gray". Since the "gray" came to our house, I will give is gray as my friend. Every day, I came home from school, the first thing is to feed "gray" eat food, "gray", eat food can be fun, if I get the taste of the food out of it, it will be turned away, even without looking, when I put a piece of green vegetables, "gray" the two explosive teeth move very fast, just under three under two had eaten a piece of green vegetables, then, the second piece, the third piece of green vegetables were finished by it, when I want to continue to feed it, the mother cried aloud: "don't feed is gray too much, it will have loose bowels." Then I stopped.

Remember once, when I go to bed, thirsty, get up to drink water, see the "gray" sleeping in a cage, I'm afraid of waking "gray", after drinking the water, I went back to my room to sleep.

One afternoon, when I returned home from school, see the "gray" in a cage, I asked my mother, "mom, why 'gray' still?" Mother said: "maybe it is still in bed." then, I took a small stick to moved "gray", it is motionless, I cried and said to his mother: "mom," gray "dead."

Although this matter is over for a long time, but, I'll never forget my friend - "gray".







One morning in spring, the small white rabbit mushroom in the forest. A pass by here, looking for food Wolf saw the little white rabbit, the Wolf thought: rabbit meat is very tender, very tasty... Thinking about thinking, it toward the small white rabbit ran past...

The Wolf said, "this is my site, how dare you come to my site in mushroom, is really too much, I want to punish you!"

"Then how do you punish me?" The small white rabbit asked fearfully.

"In order to curing the, you must die."

"What am I supposed to die, dear Mr. Wolf?" Asked the little white rabbit was in no hurry.

"I'm injustice, let me to do these things, you come here, give me grinding teeth."

"However, respect of Mr. Wolf, before I grind for you, you still eat the fresh mushroom." Said, the small white rabbit conveniently picked beside a pretty big mushroom handed the Wolf.

The Wolf wanted to also do not want to, took the mushroom gulps it down.

Where is the Wolf know, beautiful mushrooms are poisonous. In a short time it was foaming at the mouth down beside the little white rabbit.

The small white rabbit happily go home!














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