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Deaf People_聋人高中英语作文200字

2020-01-03 18:30:01

There are many people are deaf among the sixty billion population. They don t have a sound body. They have to face much more difficulties than common people in their daily life. However, there is a big problem they have to face. It is the unfair treatment. As they are disabled, they often looked down upon or teased by others. Many people regard them as useless. In fact, this behavior is not approval. The deaf are human beings that need to be treated equality. They can also make contribution or be useful people for the society. They just couldn t see everything by eyes instead of foolish. For example, Helen Keller is a blind person, but she uses her own story to inspire thousands of people around the world. So, I think we should give a chance to the deaf. Do not discriminate them and try your best to offer them help. The world will be a better world.




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