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Blue moon_蓝色的月亮作文350字

2020-01-12 15:00:01

What is the "super blue blood total lunar eclipse"? According to Cui Wenyuan, a professor of astrophysics at Hebei Normal University College of physics science and information engineering, this is the "blood moon moon total lunar eclipse Super blue moon" three one astronomical wonders, from the last 152 years there has been. We know that when the moon, the earth, the sun is in a straight line, in the middle of the earth, the moon all into the earth's shadow, formed a total lunar eclipse. So, why is the "blood month" formed? "Blue moon" refers to the blue moon? How does the "super"? Listen to the experts one by one. The eclipse is divided into penumbral eclipse, partial eclipse and a total lunar eclipse. The middle part of the earth's shadow called the umbra umbra, penumbra around. The moon enters the earth's penumbral penumbral eclipse occurs, part of the moon enters the earth's umbral eclipse occurs, all entered the earth's umbra total lunar eclipse occurs. The total lunar eclipse, the earth thick atmosphere of the shorter wavelength violet, blue, green and yellow light are absorbed and scattered out, leaving only the red light is refracted through the atmosphere to the surface of the moon (red sun truth like dawn and dusk), so we see in the night sky becomes a red moon, is the "blood"." Cui Wenyuan said, "blue moon" are not the blue moon, if it refers to the two consecutive full moon falls on the same month of the Gregorian calendar, used to put second full moon called "blue moon", every two to three years will not appear again. In addition, the total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon is in its orbit near the location, the moon looks larger than usual about 1/10, it is also known as the "super total lunar eclipse."




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