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关于保护环境 About Protecting the Environment

2020-06-22 09:06:01

Today, Chinas economy has made the great achievement. More and more foreign people come to China to seek for cooperation. It is true that peoples life standard has been improved a lot during the last decades, but the environment has been polluted badly. When I was very small, I could see the green trees and clean water around my hometown, but now, the river becomes smaller and the rubbish can be seen everywhere. I feel so sad about it. We have sacrificed so much to chase the profit. If we cant save the environment, we wont live the comfortable life. For us, we should not throw away the rubbish and plant more trees. The little things we do will make a great difference.今天,中国经济取得了巨大成就,越来越多的外国人来到中国寻求合作。在过去的几十年里,人们的生活水平确实有了很大的提高,但是环境却受到了严重的污染。当我很小的时候,我看到的是绿树环绕、水源清澈,但是现在,河流变小了,到处都可以看到垃圾。我觉得很难过。为了追求利益,我们牺牲了那么多,如果我们不能拯救环境,就不能过上舒适的生活。对我们来说,我们不应该乱丢垃圾,而应该种植更多的树木,我们所做的每一件小事都会对我们产生影响。 查看全文



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