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2020-09-10 12:36:01

At the beginning of the new term, the headmaster of shenyang dongguan model school asked the students what they were reading for. Then someone answered, it s for my father s reading. Someone replied, read for the sake of Ming. Others said, read for the glory of the door. When the headmaster named zhou enlai to answer the question, zhou enlai, sitting in the back row, stood up and solemnly replied, read for the rise of China. So he took the rise and fall of the nation on his shoulders, like the generosity of Lin zexu, the life and death of the country, and the generosity of the people. This is the responsibility, in the face of the responsibility before the retreat has not been shirked, this is the responsibility of the fearless!

What are our responsibilities? As children, we should be filial to our parents and elders. As students, we should be intoxicated with knowledge and ask questions. As a member of the group, we should deal with the situation, respect others and be kind to nature. And as a Chinese, what should we do? Can t help returning to the beginning of the topic, you, why and read?

The responsibility lies with us, and you, dare to act?

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  1. 2021-08-25 05:45淡风柔雨[香港网友]IP:1729758086
  2. 2020-04-19 09:30Da*_白菜[江西省网友]IP:762504216


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