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2020-09-27 10:15:01

1月6日雅思大作文真题:家用电器越来越多的利弊 2018 01 15 14:08 作者:新航道 阅读量:

2018年01月06日 雅思大作文题目

In many countries, more and more people can buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss both views and give your opinion.





引言开头 household appliances: more positive than negative (引入及总论)

主体A段 the advantages of household appliances (好处)

主体B段 the disadvantages of household appliances (坏处)

结论结尾 household appliances: more positive than negative (结论)



In a world of consumerism, home electrical and electronic appliances have become so integral to modern life that, in many ways, they are whatdistinguish today s society from yesterday s. Household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker make your life so much easier and more enjoyable, but there are some disadvantages. As a whole, this kind of household goods, when properly used, can bring you more benefits than drawbacks.




(2)integral 不可缺少的

(3)distinguish 区分


Generally speaking, buying over a dozen household equipment intended for daily use may be beneficial to you at home, from cooking to entertainment. Your microwave oven, for instance, allows you to cook rapidly with the turn of a dial, and this convenience provides more options in your daily life than in the past. Likewise, your rice cooker can simplify the cooking process by reducing the number of steps between you and your meal at the table. Thus, the more free time you save due to having appliances, the more other things you are capable of doing at your will, including just watching television in the comfort of home after a heavy day from work.



(1)第二段支持主题,说好的一面。句话是topic sentence。

(2)option 选择

(3)likewise 同样(=similarly)

(4)be capable of... 能够做......


However, the development of consumerism in many countries is not entirely positive. To begin with, it costs money to buy consumer equipment. Of course, cost is a disadvantage if you buy too many household gadgets and use them excessively in what is called the throw away society. No doubt, the modern consumerism is also likely to have an en environmental impact, either from the production processes or the disposal of the devices ranging from kitchen devices to television sets. That is to say, the dramaticincrease in the number of household goods means the problem of greater carbon dioxide emissions, apart from the problem of rising energy demands and expenses.

然而,在许多国家,消费主义的发展并不完全是积极的。首先,购买消费设备是要花钱的。当然,在所谓的 抛弃 社会里,如果你买太多家用小玩意,而且过度使用它们,成本的确是一个不利因素。毫无疑问,现代消费主义也有可能对环境产生影响,无论是产品的生产过程还是处置从厨房设备到电视机的各种设备。也就是说,家庭用品数量的急剧增加意味着碳排放量增加,还有能源需求和消耗不断增加的问题。


(1)第三段支持主题,说不好的一面。句话是 topic sentence。

(2)consumerism 消费主义

(3)gadget 小电器设备

(4)excessively 过分地

(5)disposal 处理

(6)dramatic 剧烈的

(7)emission 排放


On balance, the development of having useful appliances at your home is more positive than negative. Despite some bad effects typical of modern consumerism, life has become so much more full of pleasure due to these devices available from the kitchen to the bedroom. Now, ask yourself if you would rather live in today s society or yesterday s.




(2)on balance 总体来说


In a world of consumerism, home electrical and electronic appliances have become so integral to modern life that, in many ways, they are what distinguish today s society from yesterday s. Household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker make your life so much easier and more enjoyable, but there are some disadvantages. As a whole, this kind of household goods, when properly used, can bring you more benefits than drawbacks.

Generally speaking, buying over a dozen household equipment intended for daily use may be beneficial to you at home, from cooking to entertainment. Your microwave oven, for instance, allows you to cook rapidly with the turn of a dial, and this convenience provides more options in your daily life than in the past. Likewise, your rice cooker can simplify the cooking process by reducing the number of steps between you and your meal at the table. Thus, the more free time you save due to having appliances, the more other things you are capable of doing at your will, including just watching television in the comfort of home after a heavy day from work.

However, the development of consumerism in many countries is not entirely positive. To begin with, it costs money to buy consumer equipment. Of course, cost is a disadvantage if you buy too many household gadgets and use them excessively in what is called the throw away society. No doubt, the modern consumerism is also likely to have an en environmental impact, either from the production processes or the disposal of the devices ranging from kitchen devices to television sets. That is to say, the dramatic increase in the number of household goods means the problem of greater carbon dioxide emissions, apart from the problem of rising energy demands and expenses.

On balance, the development of having useful appliances at your home is more positive than negative. Despite some bad effects typical of modern consumerism, life has become so much more full of pleasure due to these devices available from the kitchen to the bedroom. Now, ask yourself if you would rather live in today s society or yesterday s.


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