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考研写作 小作文模拟题 第1关

2020-09-29 04:10:01

参考答案:Dear Professor Chen,I am pleased to learn that you are going to spend one year away from your institution to pursue research in atmospheric science. Do you like to spend that year working in my research group at the University of Toronto? I am sure this will be beneficial to both of us. I am therefore inviting you to be a visiting professor in our department for one year.Our government will cover the costs of your living expenses while in Toronto. And I am happy to provide office space, access to computer facilities, and minor research costs.Your early reply will be appreciated. I am looking forward to working with you.Sincerely yours,Professor Li 系统解析:这是一封邀请邮件,正式。言辞要礼貌、诚恳,显示出诚意。第一段说明希望对方加入自己的研究团队,写清楚合作研究的时间。第二段说明会给对方提供什么便利。第三段表示诚意邀请,希望对方接受。



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