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有关于大学生毕业后是考研还是就业的英语作文?有关于大学生毕业后是 爱问知识人

2020-09-29 06:25:01

The problem of employment for college students has recently attracted attention and has aroused extensive attention。 Some students think they should continue studies to further enhance their knowledge。 There are some that should be in employment in body temper themselves, to enhance the ability to work and social experience。 They are from their own understanding and perspective of the decision are in fact correct。 In my opinion is the best suited to their own, the basis for judging their own。 I am more into the community to hone their esteem, because most of us eventually have to put in the work of community and create social value。 So I think the early work is good!对于大学生就业的问题最近引人注目,并已引起社会的广泛关注。一些大学生认为应该继续深造,进一步提高自己的知识面。还有部分认为,应该就业在身会中锤炼自己,增强工作能力和社会经历。他们都从自己的理解和角度作出决定,其实都是正确的。在我看来适合自己的就是最好的,以自己为判断依据。我比较推崇进入社会进行磨练,因为我们大部分人最终都要投入社会进行工作,创造社会价值。所以我认为早日工作比较好。



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