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七年级英语下册人教版作业课件:Unit 10 单元同步作文指导.ppt

2020-10-12 11:50:01

第六课时 单元同步作文指导;本单元以“订餐”为话题,围绕就餐展开,重点学习了就餐的常用句型,以及有关食物方面的可数名词和不可数名词,此外还学习了饮食方面不同国家的风俗习惯。具体到书面表达中,要求同学们掌握有关食物的常用句型,来应对一般性的作文;同时还要学会写食品广告。教材中出现的相关句型:①I d like some noodles.我想要一些面条。②I d like a small/medium/large bowl of beef soup.我想一小/中/大碗牛肉汤。③Would you like to eat ice cream?你想吃冰淇淋吗?;④We have some great specials.我们有一些很不错的特色菜。⑤We have different kinds of fruit ice cream.我们有不同种类的冰淇淋。⑥Would you like a big bowl for four yuan?你要一份大碗四元的吗?⑦You can try our specials.你可以试一下我们的特色菜。⑧It s very good/delicious.它很好/很美味。拓展常用句型:①The small pancake with cabbage and carrots is just 3 yuan.带有卷心菜和胡萝卜的小烙饼只要3元。②Welcome to Pancake House.You ll like them.欢迎来到烙饼店。你们会喜欢它们的。;假如你是烙饼店的经理House of Pancakes。请根据下面的提示,写一则广告,介绍一下你的烙饼店50词左右。参考词汇:onion洋葱; Would you like some pancakes?Please come to House of Pancakes.There are all kinds of pancakes here,small ones,medium ones and large ones.The small one is 4 yuan,the medium one is 6 yuan and the large one is 8 yuan.We have some great specials.The small pancake with cabbage and carrots is just 3 yuan.The medium pancake with tomatoes and eggs is just 4 yuan.You can also try our large pancake with onions and beef for just 6 yuan.Welcome to House of Pancakes.You will like them.点评开篇以问句开始,点明广告的内容,主题鲜明。介绍烙饼时从型号到价格全方位涵盖,符合广告的特点;语言又变化多端。在文中体现为“You can have ... for ... 和You can also try ...”等。结尾有欢迎词,贴近生活实际。;假设你的外婆开了一家饺子馆,请你根据下面提示,为外婆的餐馆Granny s Restaurant写一则广告。字数50词左右。内容:1.本店有各种馅的饺子,例如,卷心菜馅的、胡萝卜馅的、鸡蛋馅的和牛、羊肉馅的。本店特色是羊肉水饺。2.好吃不贵。大碗12元,小碗10元。提示词:cheap 便宜的;Granny s RestaurantWould you like to eat dumplings?Please come to Granny s Restaurant.Here you can eat different kinds of dumplings.We have cabbage dumplings,carrot dumplings,egg dumplings,mutton dumplings and beef dumplings.Our special is mutton dumplings.Our dumplings are delicious and cheap.You can have a large bowl for 12 yuan and a small bowl for 10 yuan.I m sure you will like them.



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