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青少年和父母的争吵Teenager’s argument with parents

2020-10-12 17:55:01

Teenager is at the sensible age, on the one hand, they are not mature enough, on the other hand, they are very bolshy, they don’t listen to what their parent tell them, they will go against parents. So teenager always have argument with their parents, it hurts so much, parents have to deal with such situation.青少年处于一个敏感的年纪,一方面,他们还不够成熟,另一方面,他们很反叛,不听父母的话,和父母作对。所以青少年总是和父母争吵,这很受伤,父母不得不处理这样的情况。As a teenager, they want to chase for freedom, they are at the age of pursing individualism. They want to show that they are mature enough, they can make their own decision. While as parents, they watch their kids all their life, they haven’t realized that their kids are already mature enough, so they always treat their children as the small one, making every decision for them. That is why the conflict comes, the only way to solve it is to understand each other.作为青少年,他们追求自由,他们处在追求个性的年纪。他们想要展示自己的成熟,可以自己做决定。然而对父母来说,他们一生都在看着孩子,还没有意识到孩子已经成熟了,所以他们总是把孩子当小孩子看待,替孩子做一切的决定。这就是矛盾的来源,唯一的解决方法就是彼此理解。For parents, they must have the though that the kids are growing up, they are no more the small ones, they should learn to let them go. For teenagers, they should have a good talk with their parents, trying to explain and show the courage they have. They should not be angry with parents, to find a better to solve argument.对于父母来说,他们必须意识到孩子已经长大,不再是小孩子,他们应该学会放手。对于青少年来说,应该和父母好好谈谈,试着解释和展示自己的勇气。他们不应该生父母的气,找到觉得争端的更好解决方法。Though teenagers are at the sensible age, there is always a way to find the solution about the argument. The better understanding between parents and teenagers is the key point.虽然青少年处于敏感的年纪,但是总是会有解决争端的好方法。父母和青少年之间的理解是最重要的点。




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