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2020-10-12 18:20:01

Some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give our own opinion.雅思写作题目讲解写作思路:仅供参考笫一段:背景转述,引入话题,可不交代观点;第二段:教育目的应当是为社会培养有用的人才,因为教育是整个社会谋求发展的手段。第三段:教育目的应当足为社会培养有用的人才,因为很多教育是公办的,受教育者理应回报社会。笫四段:实现个人抱负也应该是教育的宗旨。因为如果教育最终不能使人快乐,那么教育一定是失败的。结论:只要人们在个人理想和社会需求中寻得共通之处,教育的目的可以双赢,即实 现个人抱负的同时报效社会。雅思写作大作文范文What education serves for has been immersed in conflict for decades. Some firmly believe that it aims to produce efficient and capable promoters for the social progress, whereas others argue that to achieve personal fulfillment should be its ultimate goal.几十年来,教育的作用一直在冲突中。一些人坚信,它的目标是为社会进步创造高效、有能力的推动者,而另一些人则认为,实现个人成就感应该是其最终目标。Personally, the utilitarian function of education is quite understandable, for to boost a sustainable and bright prospect for the society is the shared objective of human beings at all historical stages and social levels, and education, as such a pivotal approach, has long been resorted to. That is why schools and academies were conventionally designed to cultivate future bureaucrats or pioneers in a specific field. Even nowadays the contents of text books are chosen and courses and programs decided basically in accordance with the current social demands.就个人而言,教育的功利主义功能是可以理解的,因为促进社会的可持续和光明的前景是人类在所有历史阶段和社会层面的共同目标,而教育作为一种关键的手段,一直以来都是如此。这就是为什么学校和学院通常被设计用来培养未来的官僚或在某一领域的先锋。即使是现在,教科书的内容也被选择了,课程和程序基本上是根据当前的社会需求决定的。Besides, let us not forget that it is public schooling that has provided many young minds with opportunities to get free education and thus to change their destiny; therefore, it would be perfectly rational for these beneficiaries to be dedicated to their communities and to pay back afterwards.此外,让我们不要忘记,正是公立学校为许多年轻人提供了获得免费教育的机会,从而改变了他们的命运;因此,对于这些受益者来说,将他们的社区奉献给他们的社区,并在之后偿还,这是完全合理的。Admittedly, however, learning something to one s heart content, one will automatically involve him or herself in it, actively find ways to surmount the difficulties on the way and turn a painstaking process into an enjoyable one, which consequently brings about a decent career, higher social status, in a word, happiness. But if individuals have to learn what they are supposed to instead of what they sincerely desire , they may end up with a pathetic life course. Favorable to the development of the society as it may be, the education regardless of the well being of individuals is a failure in essence.诚然,然而,学习一个东西的核心内容,一个将自动包括他或她自己,积极想办法克服困难,把艰苦的过程变成享受,也因此带来了一个体面的职业,更高的社会地位,总之,幸福。但是,如果每个人都要学习他们应该做什么,而不是他们真正想要的,他们最终可能会有一种悲惨的人生历程。对社会发展有利的是,无论个人的福祉如何,教育都是失败的本质。For me, the two statements are not of a paradox at all and education can be of two fold function, because one probably has several ambitions, and as long as they select those that can serve the society of great value to be the lifetime pursuit and let go the others, both the individuals and the society can prosper.对我而言,这两种说法根本就不是一个悖论,教育可以具有双重功能,因为人可能有几个雄心壮志,只要他们毕生的追求对社会有巨大价值,那么个人和社会都会进步。



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