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2020-10-16 09:25:01

Urban or rural lifeBy Kaiser3344原创There is a viewpoint saying that its better to live a urban life than live a rural life.In my opinion,I disagree on the viewpoint.First of all,the environment in country is better than that in city.If you live in cities,you have to take a dirty breath every second caused by vehicles and laboratories.Besides,you will get a higher chance to suffer from the flu because there are too many people living in cities.Secondly,instead of buying vegetables and meat in big cities,you can plant different kinds of vegetables and feed pigs and cows at the same time which is more healthy and sanitary.Thirdly,people living in cities always feel the high pressure coming from their work and life which makes them very tired.However,if you live in rural places you will never feel the pressure.In a word,I think that its better to live in country.



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